- Today Wintry Mix Storm, Big Snow Dawg Barking Thursday??
- Winter Storm #4 and #5, Earth’s Rumbling
- Ice Ice baby verifies, Saddle Up Cowboys and Girls – YEEHAW!! USAID Really?
- Thursday Winter Storm, Pattern is ABSOLUTLETY LOADED – SUPER BOWL STORM
- Clipper Verifies, Vanilla Ice Baby = Thursday Winter Storm
- Historic Southern Snowstorm, Verment speaks, Clipper tonight, Thursday is Vanilla Ice Weather?
What Everyone has been waiting for this winter!!
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What everyone has been waiting for this winter, well maybe not all LOL
And he is saying – schools closed boys and girls!! If not now then wth are they waiting for!! Make the phone call, tweet the tweet, post the announcement but just do it already ARGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
UKIE baby says Hello
Winter Storm Warning are flying now as 6 counties have been upgraded from the little measly Winter Weather Advisories and why – cause I said so LOL!!! – They are realizing the Quebec High Pressure system is stronger and going to hang in longer than first thought.
Coming in hot and heavy already – said these like to start faster
Traci V, and Katie H., Sara M. and the New Millennium Mr. Rodgers who are ardent weenies from my STEM department – here is your update you have been yearning for
Start Time: West to east 3-5AM (will my originally 12-2AM call hold?? Maybe we’ll see)
Snowfall and sleet amounts:
NYC Metro 2″-4″
NNJ/LHV – 3′ – 6″ = Bergen, Passaic, Rockland
NWNJ – 4′ -7 or 8″ – Western Bergen County (Ray M land, Western Passaic – (Zungoli, Simo and PB land) All of Morris, Hunterdon, Warren and Sussex, Orange and Norther Rockland and Westchester Coutnties
AM Commute – a big mess – stay home if you can
PM commute for NNJ – an even bigger issue
Snow till about 11/12Pm in NNJ then comes the sleet from this time to about 5-8PM and then freezing rain and sleet till about 9/10PM then some drizzle
Here is the HRRR model
Here’s the HRRR evolution through Tuesday AM – snow breaks out tonight with accumulation in NJ, PA and NYC. Transition to sleet moves rapidly northward during the morning.
The bottom line is that travel impacts will be widespread throughout NJ, PA, and NY. Stay home if you can. pic.twitter.com/qpJme2GcOA
— John Homenuk (@jhomenuk) February 11, 2019
Woop Woop peeps it coming and this weekend storm – rain you think – think twice about that!!
Next week we can 2 back to back storms Tuesday/Wednesday & Thursday/Friday – Possibly
Updated on SC and NS – not NC
MSU, WPU Closed !!
NH where are you hello?? This is us ………
Updates in the morning.
Al Q