- Today Wintry Mix Storm, Big Snow Dawg Barking Thursday??
- Winter Storm #4 and #5, Earth’s Rumbling
- Ice Ice baby verifies, Saddle Up Cowboys and Girls – YEEHAW!! USAID Really?
- Thursday Winter Storm, Pattern is ABSOLUTLETY LOADED – SUPER BOWL STORM
- Clipper Verifies, Vanilla Ice Baby = Thursday Winter Storm
- Historic Southern Snowstorm, Verment speaks, Clipper tonight, Thursday is Vanilla Ice Weather?
Tom Petty says AL Q – say what??
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Tom Petty says AL Q – say what??
This is the most iconic song of Petty the man whom I admired and song that I live by:
The EURO model and its counterpart foreign model RGEM and HDRPS say AL Q yuo are going to nail this – at least this is what I am thinking – frikcin TV mets and NWS aren’t on my side fro some reason LOL!! I really could care less.
Close UP
UP CLOSE ICE – crippling just absolutely crippling IF it happens
THE HRDPS is insane for ice that would cripple the NNJ and EPA not buying this much
Precip – green = rain, pink = ice, blue = snow
Dark pink is moderate to heavy ice
The Lynch Report:
Time: Late Monday afternoon through Tuesday afternoon
Snow: 2-4″ for NNJ, LHV (look at the maps above)
C-1″ NYC Metro
Impact: Significant for Monday Rush hour and Tuesday Morning Rush
School Closings:
Monday – none
Tuesday – Likely
Ice Amounts- look at the maps above
NNJ – LHV – .20 to .40
NYC Metro – .05 – .10
If this happens Wednesday night it goes to concrete as temps show
Thursday – Jee YIKES!!!!!!!!!
Updates to come.
Can this go either way – less of more – not much more but less indeed -we have to see how this evolves but it is not a good scenario as of tonight.
We shall see.