- Today Wintry Mix Storm, Big Snow Dawg Barking Thursday??
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“The Paper”, VEI 4, Crop Issues continue, Heat Wave?
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“The Paper”
I am not talking about my 128 page Research and Development Masters Course paper I did in 1995-96 (Fall and Spring Semester yes both) paper on the comparison of temprature emitted, influence on the air around and the amount of lumens emitted between a CFL (compact florescent light bulb) and Tungsten Filament light bulb. No that woudl bore yuo but it was interesting for its time when the CFL bulbs were to help save teh planet of green house gases.The Paper I am referring to is from a world renowned Russian scientist Professor Valentina Zharkova who has been predicting the GRAND Solar Minimum since oh about 2009 now and she just released her paper on this topic. The paper is forthcoming and to read it you need to be able to understand physics at a high level – I tried and got lost after the few pages, no not sentence but pages. So, I let the experts give me the upshot like when we old coots were in high school and woudl read the good ole cliff notes (watch Reynolds, Clover, Homan and Rimland ask Cliff Notes?? – Google like you do everything else today to find out!!).
SO what does she say? I will give you the MAJOR POINT:
We ware heading into a GRAND SOLAR MINIMUM where the sun will have very few to nill sunspots which help warm our atmosphere and planet overall from 2020 to………………….you ready peeps……………………………………longer than MANY have talked about………………………………………………. 2055!!!!!!!!
With a lag effect from this for about 5 years so it takes us to 2060!!
Good news for the those who are young enough she says from this time frame until about 2350ish we have a warming period and then another cooling period until about 2415 then warming until 2600. What a time to be alive – only Yoda will see all of this – Help you I will!!
So how did she find this? Intelligence and using a new scientific equation/method – Double Dynamo – basically looking at the two layers of the sun – the inner and outer layers. Interesting and fascinating research – of and the cause of temperature rise and warm periods in history – NATURAL not caused by man but by this:
What him say is this?? From Prfesseor Valentian’s Research the orbital paths the sun
Left plot: the example of SIM trajectories of the Sun about the barycenter calculated from 1950 until 210034. Right plot: the cone of expanding SIM orbits of the Sun35 with the top showing 2D orbit projections similar to the left plot. Here there are three complete SIM orbits of the Sun, each of which takes about 179 years. Each solar orbit consists of about eight, 22-year solar cycles35. The total time span is, therefore, three 179-year solar cycles31, or about 600 years. Source: Adapted from Mackey35. Reproduced with permission from the Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Inc.
Here is the full article and citation of her findings/reaport
So what does this all mean??
- Longer lasting and harsher, cold and snowier winters for some areas
- Cloudier days overall
- Wetter weather overall – spring, summer, fall
- Extreme weather & temperature swings possible
- Drought in some areas with extreme heat possible in said regions
- Crop growing Issues in mid latitudes and above
- Less Deer ticks
A colder period lasting about 40 years!!!
Oh and the ever truthful NASA (sarcasm as I have come to find especially when it comes to weather) have just declared in the last few weeks a GSM will be compared to the Dalton Minimum in which Washington walked his army – cannon, horses and carriages – across the Hudson River in NYC at that time in teh Revolutionary war – HOLY SCHNIKEEES!!!!!
Article for your summer reading pleasure kids and adults!
Peeps major eruptions the last week at volcanoes in the ring of fire region of our planet = Pac Rim
We had this one first that erupted 2x in 4 days like this!!
"A passing ship has shed some light re the situation on the ground. As expected, there is a lot of damage (check out the pics for more)."https://t.co/rOgpry4fLh
— Electroverse (@Electroversenet) June 25, 2019
THEN VEI (Volcano Eruption Index 4 out of 1 – 6) = a MAJOR ERUPTION Sending dust particle and aerosols 12, yes 12 miles into the atmosphere!!!
"The world’s first subplinian eruption since Calbuco, Chile in 2015, which ranked as a VEI 4."https://t.co/G6x6UsakZ3
— Electroverse (@Electroversenet) June 26, 2019
WE have this gurgling as well now
SO2 at historically high levels, White Island alert levels raised, New Zealand https://t.co/DhTMaSvw6M #WhiteIsland #SO2 #AlertLevel #NewZealand
— The Watchers (@TheWatchers_) June 26, 2019
How about this for summer? SNOW QUEEN YOU THERE SISTA!!!!!!!!!!
Beartooth Pass, MT Has Been CLOSED For 5-Days Now Due To SNOW! https://t.co/6G05DAvcL8
— Joe Bastardi (@BigJoeBastardi) June 27, 2019
Crop Issues – can’t harp on this enough peeps and again strart to accumulate yuor dry goods in your basement or a cool, dark closet – you will thank me for this one day
Rain rain go away for goodness sake!! More to come for the poor peeps and cooler temps aren’t helping the growing season or drying our the land
Heat Wave?
Yes it is possible with temp hitting 90 at Newark yesterday and set to hit 92*
and 90 again tomorrow. Saturday is interesting – if the cold front swings through quick then Saturday evening/night is salvaged if not then
Updates to come and enjoy this summer weather.
Al Q