T-Rex and Tarbosaurus(?) today!!!, August pattern and Weather – LC will Likey!, Sun,

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno July 29, 2023 13:28


Today we shall see some what could be for our area severe t-storms = T-Rex but his cuz Tarbo!! This man can cause some damage when he comes to town with straight line winds and possible tornadoes, yes torns as we call them. Chances are low for the NNJ area but still possible. The SUN, yes that massive ball of hydrogen, Fusion, that we so desire to replicate and if we EVER do on a large mass production scale, the world changes dramatically in an instant. The sun is percolating, heating up, destabilizing the atmosphere for the storms which will be starting in about two hours (4-5PMish) and rolling through until about 10PM.



Radar link to follow: https://sirocco.accuweather.com/nxssa_r1_h_500x620d/r1h/inxr1Kphla_h.gif

August Pattern – LC will Likey!!

LC = Snow queen – L Cannizaro will like this upcoming coming and why? She hates the heat and humidity mores so. The humidity breaks with the abnormal cold front for the middle of the summer. Well, it is not really abnormal since our pattern is changing to a cooler pattern overall. The humidity will be cut greatly, drier days abound in August, great gold weather for all my golfers- Police Cawr (Uncle Mike as my son so loving called him), Titi, Ray M, Simo, Quinner and Paulo G. and many others!! Daytime highs overall in low to mid 80’s, and nighttime. temps……..50’s to low 60’s and 40’s in the Ruburbs (Guerci Land easily!!!) Windows open and AC off baby.

SUN Night-Temps

Mon Night temps

Tues Night – DELICIOUS

Wed Night





The Sun just had a massive flare that will just miss our planet or else we’d be in a minor – moderate panic mode for our technology and electrification system. It is not a matter of will but when will it occur. In our lifetimes we shall have a flare or two or three possibly that will greatly affect our technological electrification world as we know it today. The greatest invention of mankind I would argue and why?? It has allowed us to make an ABSOLUTELY QUANTUM LEAP on this planet in EVERY facet of our lives. Think about it. Watch it here.



News You Can Use…..


Heat dont kill like Cold does!! Just ask Texans in 2022 cold snap of February where 132 peeops are reported to have died from the cold, some frozen in their beds!!!




Global Waht now??



here the timelime of hoax, brainwashing by the elites:




We are still here aren’t we??


Great 4 minute video



Temperatures at Notorious heat islands this summer so far NYC this summer near normal. Washington -1.6 Chicago plus .15 Atlanta plus 1 Dallas plus 2.5 Denver -2.75 Phoenix plus 3 Wildfires are at near record lows for the date 60 day temps for US as a whole look pretty even So does this mean global boiling yields a wash for the US? ( sarc) From Joe Bastardi – Summer looking pretty Normal temps wise..
Have a blessed last weekend of July – fooy poooy (prounounced foo we, poo we!)!!
Dam summer laways flies by.
Goid Bless you all, let his light guide you and give it up to him to deal with and all wll be fine. Let the chain of the anchor be short to him for if you stray to far you’ll get hurt, just like your parents would tell you growing up!!
Updates to come and a special write up section that my man PB gave me the other day. Prayers for his lovely, beautiful wife Mary who is in need of a Liver transplant. May God and his son help find her one and heal her of this illness. Amen.
Al Mugno
By Al Mugno July 29, 2023 13:28

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