T-Rex, 6, two 100 anniversaries for 2016, pre pre pre WINTER FORECAST???

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno June 27, 2016 20:15


Well we shall see T-REX tomorrow in the area and possibly tonight well early AM. Not like the poor folk in the state of West Virginia saw over the weekend. That was absolutely devastating. So what is happening and why has the weather been so beautiful with little to no humidity temps in the upper 70’s to low 80’s and night time temps in the upper 60’s? Well let’s point to the pacific and our dying El Nino along with a warm body of water just off the North American continent called the PDO. When the PDO is positive it measn those water are warm and it causes a feedback in the atmosphere to produce a High pressure in the west which usually means a trough developing in the east somewhere or Midwest like the Ohio region. This has occurred in all these areas as the SW of the USA has broiled, literally. Remember my post where’s the heat? I loved that old lady in the commercial where’s this beef so I had to include it, oh and speaking of beef I bought a ¼ of a steer from a farmer/meat processing plant in the Hudson valley and the meat is grass feed. Momma Mia it is awesome and economical – Joe Malafy – Google him, tremendous investment. Three other guys came in with me and they can attest to this.

Back to the weather now, so we will see T-REX running through here as a cold front (not really) makes it way from Canada tonight and sweeps through here tomorrow evening. The 4th of July weekend looks like 8 out of 10 why? Well we have a warm front that is going to push northeast and may trigger off some thunderstorms/showers on Sunday but they look to be isolated. Temps will be in the mid to upper 80’s.

So far this summer I have recorded zero that’s right zero (0) days here in Hillsdale so far – Newark has recorded 2 and Philly 3. It will build and be here in a few weeks as teh humidity looks to build in for the weekend more so next week


Post maps


6 – What does this mean?





The first one is the 100th anniversary of the Irish Easter Day bombing. As I have learned from non-textbooks but shows and my own research (my wife is one of my resources) that this was like Harpers Ferry of the American Civil War and Chinese Boxer Rebellion in a way not totally.  I have a better appreciation and understanding of what this was all about and the historians and textbooks will not call it what it was a Civil War and also a war at the same time against the English!!



DOS (2)

The anniversary of the unnerving a gruesome shark attacks along the Jersey Shore! Reading up on this I am still in disbelief that a shark killed folks along the Matawan Creek 11 miles inland from the ocean.

Here is the grisly story



My anniversary is coming up but pales in comparison to these two next month!

Pre pre pre pre Winter forecast IF we have a weak La Nina

I would hope this comes true to reverse the horrific winter we just had!

Interesting is the idea that 1959-1960, 1983-84 and 2010-11 analogs are coming up.

Some things to consider – we are reaching solar minimum where we have very low solar activity that will translate into what I do not know at this time. Looking back at history as we should always do to learn and not make the same mistakes (but man is too stubborn and usually does!) this happened about 200 years ago and we had what was deemed a minim ice age. DO NOT GO AROUND SAYING I AM PROPHESYING THIS!! I am using this as a comparison – there are different variables at play here and we have A Lot to learn about this. Here is the article on teh solar minimum.



and check this out from Joe Bastardi site of temps in Greenland over 1000’s of years – crazy but amazing:

Joe Bastardi (@BigJoeBastardi) _ Twitter Joe Bastardi Temps


Greenland Ice Melt – not as fast as the dooms dayers are saying teh Gray area in the Normal Range but then again what is normal?? Abby or ……………



So my sons favorite dinosaur when he was little is coming to town tonight and tomorrow – lightening, thunder and possibly heavy rains – boy we need it and updates to come.



Al Mugno
By Al Mugno June 27, 2016 20:15
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