Summer will last/1911, Seismic Activity Gaining Steam, GSM, Winter Foercast Video

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno August 27, 2018 14:37



I hope ya’ll have been enjoying your summer. It has been a wet one and yes T-Rex and Tarbosarus have made many visits to our next of teh woods this summer and they will continue to do so. So why all the humidity?? As I stated back in July (18th) that the tropical conveyor belt of what is referred to as the WAR (Western Atlantic Ridge) would expand west and press on our area. Its outer fringes would encompass the east coast and I felt this coming on when I was in the South East on vacay with the fam peeps from 8-12 to 8-20. Depends x5  said more like Dpends x 25!!!!

Summer will last


Yes, with the warmer waters off the East coast will allow the WAR to expand west and bring us this heat wave with very humid conditions bringing temps real feel into the century range and higher. Keep hydrated these next few days.

We will have spells of heat as well into September with the warm water just off our coast. So when the winds come S and SE this is when we’ll bake due to these warm anomalous waters. With this heat will be T-Rex and Tarbo as well peeps, what an active severe season we have had. Oh and this heat wave ain’t nuttin compared to the one a century plus ago in 1911 when dem der folk didn’t have teh luxury of AC and fans and wore garb from head to toe and in layers. Imagine that -we’d be crying rivers if we were in these shoes. Yes it is true the heat caused people to go insane – read the article adn you’ll be aghast!

What happened that subsequent winter?? From wxBell Site and Joe D

BRUTAL COLD!!!!!!!!!!!


Seismic Activity Gaining Steam

Peeps, this is going to be a major and I mean major concern going forward the next five years with the Grand Solar Minimum in the midst and will only get worse. Our planet is being tugged, pulled and bombarded with lack of solar sun spots and massive Coronal Ejections. The news has done a piss poor job with this in my opinion but that is the weather weenie me, all I hear about is violence, corruption and well drama by us HU—MANS! It hasn’t changed nor will it ever so move on, but what is happening will effect our lives and humanity in profound possible disastrous ways. I am not sounding the alarms here but after doing my home work (even though I am on summer vacation) and research what I am seeing is an active to very active period for seismic activity. This means numerous moderate to high end earthquakes (6.0 or greater) and volcanoes (VEI 3 and greater). We are seeing this already to a degree.

Three EQ USA areas that have my concern are the Cascadia Fault in the NW, the New Madrid Fault in Missouri and Arkansas region and the Charleston, SC Fault. All three are due for a moderate level to major high end level earthquake according to John Casey and the USGS (United States Geological Service). The last one in teh NW was 1700, New Madrid was 1811 and again in 1812 and Charleston was 1886. These all registered magnitudes of 7 or greater with many aftershocks registering the 5.0 to 6.5 range for days.

Volcanoes are peculating and we have many moderate but a few major to super-volcanoes that are starting to agitate. The tropical region is where this is evident, Hawaii, Indonesia, South Pacific, South America, even Japan, Italy and Russia. Here is the map for you to see and an article. IF we are to see a few Volcano Explosive Index of 3 or greater then this will have affects on our sensible weather patterns.

Active Volcano Map – YIKES!!


Look at the anomalous cold in  Europe and the UK


GSM = Grand Solar Minimum

Spotless Days
Current Stretch: 0 days
2018 total: 132 days (55%) – this is just the beginning!!!
2017 total: 104 days (28%)
2016 total: 32 days (9%)
2015 total: 0 days (0%) 

2014 total: 1 day (<1%)
2013 total: 0 days (0%)
2012 total: 0 days (0%)
2011 total: 2 days (<1%)
2010 total: 51 days (14%)
2009 total: 260 days (71%)
2008 total: 268 days (73%) 
2007 total: 152 days (42%)
2006 total: 70 days (19%)

Folks this lack of sun will have big effects on crops and lack thereof production (we are seeing it already but why isnt this being discussed in the news??), increasing food prices (happening already -nickel and dime now just wait) – all foods and power and energy issues to supply heating oil, natural gas consumption and electrical power to the peeps. Cold is worse than heat on teh mechanical devices in our world, on our crops and on our bodies.

Here some so fallish like air by the 384 hour GOOFUS LOL : Don’t take it verbatim but a possibility!


Winter Forecast Video – SNOW QUEEN AND PRINCESS FTW!!!!!!!!!!



All AL Q can say is WOWEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

Bring it and I have been saying such in line with this video since………………………………Spring!!!!

Lastly, the tropics will start to heat up from around teh second week of Sept through the and/early October. WE along the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico need to be aware since the atmosphere is showing signs of tropical cyclone festering/development. With the WAR pressing west it could get very interesting along the east coast and exciting for the weenies like me  LOL!!


Updates to come.



Al Mugno
By Al Mugno August 27, 2018 14:37

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