Storm Recap/ Blizzard Results, End of Week Storm? Feb Pattern – MJO, EPO, WPO, Record Cold and Snow, Dilley Video

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno January 30, 2022 18:04


Good afternoon on this last Sunday of January – WOW the year is going so fast already!!!


It is remarkable how this storm has jumped 200 miles west in the last 24 hours to tick about 75 miles south east. The nature of Nor’easter, coastal storm. Februaries pattern is going to be interesting since this is our meteorological snowiest month of the year. There have been numerous records smashed this winter season all over the northern hemisphere on every continent so far. Atlantic just did as well!! The new snow capitol of the North East. I share a video presentation of Dr. Dave Dilley who is a leading scientist in Global Weather Forecasting and Research of Weather Patterns he made to my weather group a few weeks ago on CO2.  As they say in Bollywood on with the show!!

Blizzard Recap……. again

Maps to show where the greatest snows happened. Just like Juno that was more to the east as we got 3” and CLI to ELI got 2’!

I believe this may be a NEISIS 2 or 3 category storm for the record books.

Good call? I grade myself a B



Possible Freezing Drizzle for Groundhogs Day

Need to keep an eye on this sneaky impulse


Thursday/Friday Storm

This is going to be interesting since we have another arctic front dropping in. The timing of this is crucial to what we get.

Possibly a rain to ice to snow scenario overnight. It all depends on how fast the front of arctic cold air gets here. Time will tell.



Temps crash – 6 hours earlier and its a problem a good one for snow and ice!!

Cold and Stormy Pattern possible for February

Our pattern is dictated by the tropical Oceans of the Pacific and the Indian Oceans – thousands of miles away. What we are seeing are positive signs for February and may just shape up to be a repeat of the 1994, 2014, 2015 February’s which were cold n stormy.

The MJO phase 3 due to the warm seas the west of Aussie land that is circled on this map.

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Heat Miser get back in your hole!!!! And stay there until I tell you to come out!

SST waters circles in black or phase 2 and 3 in the Indian Ocean. Big pattern driver moving fwd.

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Record Cold and Snow

My man Cap Allen at Electroverse is phenomenal for reporting all of this worldwide events check it out:

The world is suffering in many regions from record cold and snows this winter in both hemispheres. There is so much information it is literally almost impossible to keep track of and on top of.

Atlantic City for instance recorded its snowiest January on record.



Istanbul, Turkey had a blizzard that shut down the city for days. They rarely see snow! Saudi Arabia suffered their snowiest January in recorded history, it snowed again in the dessert!


Russia and China have suffered their coldest and snowiest January’s in almost 50 years in some parts

Japan is getting slammed with record snows.

Northwest America had its coldest and snowiest December as did the Sierra’s!

Texas is going to suffer a very cold and ice/snowstorm Tuesday as will some other areas of the South as the arctic front plunges. Like last year in February but not as strong, for now. Did we learn our lessons from this? Time will tell.

 CO2 Error

From Dr. Dilley’s presentation that was taped so when it gets published I will share but the error is major and it is fascinating to hear such information as an educator, weather weenie and major skeptic of this global warming, I do not agree with the why to the what. Natural CO2 is 77-80% and manmade is the rest as they show. We should not pollute our planet but tell that to DiCaprio, Gore the climate monger bore, and the rest of the Do as I say not as I do elites and minions.

Great 2 Videos:






This is a beautiful sight

Deplorable – nice job progressives – way to run a city. Should be brought up on charges adn jailed these city officials starting with teh mayor, da, police chief! Degenerates.

Speaking of Deplorable: This is just horrific to me sorry. We are hurting our children as a society in more ways than one!!

Scum politician like teh rest of them in DC


Be well, God bless you all and keep the faith.

Updates to come.



Al Mugno
By Al Mugno January 30, 2022 18:04

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