- Today Wintry Mix Storm, Big Snow Dawg Barking Thursday??
- Winter Storm #4 and #5, Earth’s Rumbling
- Ice Ice baby verifies, Saddle Up Cowboys and Girls – YEEHAW!! USAID Really?
- Thursday Winter Storm, Pattern is ABSOLUTLETY LOADED – SUPER BOWL STORM
- Clipper Verifies, Vanilla Ice Baby = Thursday Winter Storm
- Historic Southern Snowstorm, Verment speaks, Clipper tonight, Thursday is Vanilla Ice Weather?
Spring?? Nah winter says hurrah!!! ….HUH??, Great Video’s to watch and learn, Great Season Snowfall Records
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Monday Brief Showers possible
Tuesday best day of next week until next weekend upper 60’s and sunny- beautiful
Yucky – rainy, cool, and damp and snow in dem hills!
Spring?? Nah winter says hurrah!!! ….HUH??
This I pretty nuts but winter says I am going to come back one more time for the North East and North parts of this great beautiful land we call America.
OMEGA Block = OH NO says it SNOW – Great Lakes and North East – more so Sarah, Scottie, Guerci land, Rich N Carol, NW NJ possibly as well. Looks like a face those purple regions make no?
Thursday Morning – ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!
8AM Thursday – heat cranking
SNOW SHOWERS in the aforementioned peeps regions
Friday early AM
The Polar Vortex is projected to split into three sista vortices as per one of the leading expert forecaster Dr. Judah Cohen on this in a tweet the other day.
I was so excited by the #snow I forgot to look at today's weather maps but the GFS predicting quite the Final Warming or really Final breakup/crackup of the #polarvortex (PV) with upwelling energy breaking the PV into three daughter vortices on its way for the exits. pic.twitter.com/njX0HTkx2o
— Judah Cohen (@judah47) April 16, 2021
So what does this mean, well cold shots will be happening with Mr. Frosty and Freeze wanting to visit a town near you in the burbs and ruburbs especially NWNJ Temps at night getting to the mid 30’s to upper 20’s – NOT going to feel spring like whatsoever peeps and don’t get mad at me this is the pattern. The video I have below from Ben Davidson says a lot about this and that we can expect extremes on this planet with our weather around the world like we’ve never seen in our lifetimes as we move deeper into this Grand Solar Minimum Cycle and 22,44, 100,200, 440, 880, 1000, 1200, 2400, 4800, 12,000 100,000 year cycles all converging in the next few years. Get used to it peeps and be prepared not scared!!
I was so excited by the #snow I forgot to look at today's weather maps but the GFS predicting quite the Final Warming or really Final breakup/crackup of the #polarvortex (PV) with upwelling energy breaking the PV into three daughter vortices on its way for the exits. pic.twitter.com/njX0HTkx2o
— Judah Cohen (@judah47) April 16, 2021
Great Video’s to watch and learn – Ben Davidson
My write up on NJ Wx STrong Forum
“Great video by Ben Davidson. Talked about Extreme Weather areas will see in Oct 2019. And it will become a norm for us. Don’t be a IMBY tude – if doesn’t happen to me than I am free or if doesn’t affect me like so many think and act in our world. Our planet is and has and always will be changing. We are a small Microcosm of the Macrocosm and not be a quark in time on this beautiful planet and solar system. Man will move through the cycles of life, destruction and rebirth as we have for tens of thousands of years on spaceship Earth (it is you know a spaceship floating through the void we call space). Any terrestrial happening can affect us from millions of miles away and there ain’t a dam thing we can do. Hence we are seeing our outer plants atmosphere morph, change and collapse. It’s a domino effect were about every 6 months give or take 1 this has been occurring with Pluto, Neptune and now Uranus. They affect each other and by about 2023/24 IF this keeps going it WILL affect Mothership Earth. How don’t know, never lived through it but time will tell. Our Galactic sheet of neutron, dust and protons particles is charging and we are seeing g ground to space lightening happening over the poles and many other areas of our planet. I find this fascinating and it is at times challenging to understand and wrap one’s head around but it’s happening.”
Enjoy this if you so choose.
From my man J Guerci on the VID from an expert Dr, Ryan Cole who has treated hundreds of Vid patients, is an expert in virology and immunology. 28 minutes of pure truthful non biased expert information. Pass along please to help inform those.
Bill Maher goes off and is so right on so many things he says in this:
Bill Maher goes off on the 70% of Democrats who believe the fear porn that getting COVID means you need to be hospitalized pic.twitter.com/I4gMAJSF8H
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) April 17, 2021
It not me, you or you or CO2 BUT the SUN once again!!!
Weather and Health for that saying.
Peeps, get your buts in gear and eat healthy, exercise, get out in the sun it is the life of our existence, plant vegetables even in pots, drink clean and lots of water at least ½ your body weight and get good night’s sleep. Easier said then done but it is a lifestyle that once you get it started in a few days it’s easier and in a few more days it’s even easier until it becomes a way of life. Take it from me folks, I have survived not one but two MAJOR Health crises that one did and the other could have taken my life – think about that – massive bleed out and stage 3 cancer. I spread this word because I care and I am here to finish what God has intended me too, it is not my time.
Check this out SNOW FALL this year so far
Pretty Sick Snow Map – SNOWQUEEN AND PRINCESS this map has yuo lovelies written all ovar it = KABOOOOOMMMMM!
ONLY FLA (Titi and Police Car) had recorded NO MEASURABLE SNOW!!!
MAP lies – I recorded 52″ in NE BC BUT since I am not a TRAINED Spotter they won’t accept my measurements LOL! The spotter 2 miles south of me recorded 50″ LOL.
Check this out – Volcano piercing into the Stratosphere like I reported on last week
#GOES17 provided a spectacular side view of #LaSoufriere's big burst at 1630 UTC yesterday. G17's subpoint longitude is 137.2 W and the #volcano's is 61.2 W. pic.twitter.com/NHWuZyGuDf
— Dan Lindsey (@DanLindsey77) April 11, 2021
Great information shared here peeps so enjoy and digest.
Lastly, hcane season going to be very active again this year – ditto of next year possibly.
K Dawg is excited since he’ll be in Fla attending Fla University in Boca Raton!! Congrats my man.
Have a great week of April and updates to come.