Al Mugno
By Al Mugno March 8, 2020 10:39



Well we made it through another dark season that really wasn’t anything to write about all other than a total bust. Set the clocks ahead an hour so the time of sunlight is shifting to the evening from the morning so it is light out until………………………..7PM from now until September – WOW!! And please don’t be one of those people hat say the days are getting longer – whomever invented or coined that phrase is WRONG!!! The days are still 24 hours long but the amount of sunlight is increasing. Anyway, warmer temperatures, longer amounts sunshine adn hot summer is only 102 days away.

Temps today are gonna feel like spring has sprung but tomorrow we may push 70* Monday

and then we’ll cool down for next weekend. Its March and we could expect such swings with even the possibility of a 2 weekish period of below normal temperatures that may bring us wintry precip.

EPO showing very Negative Territory which USUALLY spells cold into the country meaning the USA as a whole but can it do such with the warm Atlantic fighting back?

Time will tell and if this were winter we’d be very cold. Your source of air is from Alaska and Siberia with this which has been extremely cold tough we don’t hear about this.

Winter that was not around the eastern USA



Peeps, as I wrote back in January after this virus Coronavirus 19 broke in China in epidemic fashion that it was a matter of time when it woudl spread and hit here. I also said March we woudl feel its affects here and told my friend Guerci over a glass of …..No not Corona but Cider that it woudl hit hard by mid March with stock markets tumbling, panic settling in and government measures being taken across the board. I have told ya’ll to stock up for what could be weeks of shut down to our normal daily lives and its coming to fruition.

77 new cases in Westchester County NY – about 15 miles by crows flight from my home to where this occurred. Schools may be closing up in the Somers region due to this.

Those who have medical conditions and are 60 years old and older need to pay close attention and limit their exposure and should newborn babies parents – parents should limit young children’s exposure.

Take personal protection as much as possible, eat healthy, drink lots of water, and take vitamins C (500 – 1000 mg 3x a day) and D in doses to build and uphold your immune system. They are finding mass quantities (10-15K mg) of Vitamin C once you get symptoms are keeping the conditions at bay and not going nuclear.

This video and article is tremendous and unnerving statistically speaking:

Video Link:





We don’t have enough  kits to test everyone let alone hospital workers, beds, IV bags etc. who have symptoms plain and simple – we as a country are not ready for this and if you poo poo this well you’ll be in for a rude awakening in a few weeks.

I hate to say it but it will only get worse in the coming month(s) from what reports I am reading and my on the ground sources are telling me from the docks, to the gov’t, to health care workers to market traders. We are in for a rough ride and if YOU DO NOT PREPARE THEN DO NOT BIAG WHEN IT HURTS YOU!!! We are a country and generation of like no way , what?? and have knee jerk reaction – look at my homeland Italia, look at Japan – countries just as cutting edge as us and they are in total lock down – forget the commies in China they have not reported one bit of honest evidence or information.

So what’s ahead as this spreads over the upcoming month:

The stock markets will continue to fall – need to move more money into safe guaranteed instruments – bank cd’s. money market accounts to weather this so your portfolios dont get squashed especially retirement ones, not penalties of you do adn you can get back into teh market after it settles down.

The FED’s slashed the discount lending price by a major amount of 1/2 % signaling this is serious and spooked the markets. Remember the markets are barometers of 3 to 6 months out as learned from investors and in my economics class at MSU. They will bring this to 0 in the next meeting signaling refinancing for the masses!

Rationing of food and products – in Shop Rite and Walgreen’s and all have rations can only buy 1 or two of specific products – store managers said conference calls with corporate said they have about 6 weeks supply at present rates in the company pipeline warehouses of rationed products – YIKES!!!

Schools will be closing for some time – extending spring breaks – many colleges are looking to do this now, church’s will cancel masses same as colleges, professional sports teams are taking measures to protect their property – the players and coaches by not allowing anyone into the locker rooms except team personnel. We may even see what the Italian gov’t did in banning all spectators from games, that would be surreal.

Lock down & quarantines will be implemented for regions of this country, travel bans across teh board, military check points – total control incoming. Its happening all over the world as I write and officials are considering such measures on the west coast as I write.

Here yuo go Holy Crap I can’t believe they heard me:


Italy, South Korea, Japan, Saudi Arabia all are taking such measures with many more to follow!


Food shortages and supply chain depletion of goods – stock up for at least 3 weeks of foods and supplies. We are seeing a run on toilet paper, anti bacterial items and all the items I listed back in my blog on Feb 24 and Jan 26 – look back and you will see….. Al “Stradamus” LOL!


THIS AGAIN IS 3 -6 MONTH going out time frame of goods – clothing, medical supplies, parts for machinery etc.


Get some of the following

Toilet papers, Tissues, Paper Towels, Napkins, baby wipes _ if yuo run out of toilet paper heck we came into this world using these well go out feeling clean!!!

Cleaning Supplies – bleach, anti bacterial cleaners, wipes

Medical Supplies – IF YOU HAVE AND NEED PRESCRIPTIONS GET A MONTHS SUPPLY AT MINIMUM NOW!!!! Baind Aids, Ointments – Neosoporin type, Rubbing Alcohol, Hydrogen Peroxide, Witch Hazel, Q-tips, cotton balls

Foods – Canned Veggies, frozen foods, meats and freeze, fish, pasta, rice

Money – have a fair amount of cash on hand like a few hundred dollars if you can

Heck if it is not as bad as projected then you can have a Corona after party and I’ll be over to help celebrate LOL!!!!


Saudi’s said they are going to increase production and with a tremendous down turn in supply of oil due to this Pandemic Outbreak across the globe – people not traveling, shipping down. This would mean gasoline prices woudl plummet. They’d still make about $15 a bbl even at $20 a barrel!!!


What could be worse?? A Spring Blizzard…………..just saying it is possible happened in ’82, , ’67, ’84 so it is possible even though this winter was anomalously above avg temperature wise.

We just missed a bomb, a blizzard by about 200 miles and about 6 hours which is really nothing in the weather world. Would have crippled us.

Updates to come and Prepare folks – its going to be a rough ride for a good month plus as this beast rears its ugly head.




Al Mugno
By Al Mugno March 8, 2020 10:39

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