Snow Pics!!!, COVID Fun & Stats, Food Issues, EQ in Japan, Hcane Season, Early Part of the eek Ahead

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno April 18, 2020 13:01



Its April 18th and we are talking snow and cold – welcome to the new norm??

As I said folks we’d see a hard freeze Thursday night into Friday morning – hit 28* here in H’dale! BRRR!! Wind chill was 21*  (* = degrees)

Last night from JB next to Penn State


This is upstate NY 75 -100 miles NW from NYC



Sullivan County NY


Franklin & Walton NY reporting with about 4-5″


Albany NY – menial amounts


Peeps this is not abnormal in what is called a Grand Solar Minimum which we have begun.  Where the sun stops producing high energy and hot ejecting sunspots that bombarded our planet. These sunspots increase the temperature of our atmosphere and dissipate/evaporate cloud cover. They heat the thermocline of our deep oceans which then trap this heat and take years to dissipate it by releasing it in massive amounts of water vapor back into our atmosphere. This is what is a major factor in driving our weather plain and simple, always has and will. Geomagnetism of Earth and celestial of pour galactic system have an affect on our weather as well but the  Sun is the main driver.

Great Tweet – 1828 new cold records – wow that is a large number!

Boulder Breaks It!!!




New Numbers – Flattening the curve and we are seeing a drop – the yellow line should be slanting down not up on this day – propaganda LOL!



Food Issues

Read the article

Excerpt: The losses due to the shutdown of the food service sector and were “swift, staggering and devastating” to growers in Florida, said Lisa Lochridge, director of public affairs with the Florida Fruit and Vegetable Association. “There’s nowhere for the product to go and so some growers are having to make very difficult decisions to plow their crops under, and others are doing direct to consumers just anything they can do to find an outlet for their crops,” she said April 9

Read more at:


This is not a good economic indicator and will lead to more unemployment.

World Issues


6.8 EQ in Japan


Hcane Season

By June 1st we could be dealing with our first Tropical Cyclone – the blue over the Gulf of Mexico indicates this. Some are saying by midish May we can see this and by mid June we can see a couple of them affecting this region – great add some salt to the wound of the virus crises!

Week ahead (Monday and Tuesday Only)

Monday High Temps

Tuesday High Temps – 50* in Titi and Police Car Land (Vernon NJ) and  60* 40 miles to the east

Tuesday Night Then the front sweeps through and ANOTHER FREEZE!!!!!! AT NIGHT

Have a great day and tomorrow will be nice.

Updates to come.

Don’t be scared but prepared peeps!

Al Q

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno April 18, 2020 13:01

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