Roller coaster, August & A Train???? 2016-17 Snow Final Tally

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno July 9, 2017 10:57


First of all, peeps Happy Belated Birthday America and her citizens!! The 241st bday was hopefully good for you as it was for me and me famalia. Weather held up for us this past week on this big day.

Roller coaster

What does a roller coaster do?

It goes up and down right? Well this our pattern folks –low humidity for a couple days then it builds in Tuesday and we have T-Rex (aka Thunderstorms). Speaking of how about Thursday night through Friday – madonne – we recorded about 3” of wetness in the NNJ region.

So what to expect – same old same old with humidity builds in =for a couple of days and thunderstorms will likely hit Tuesday afternoon and night, calm down wed but summery with breaks in high puffy clouds though gray and then t-rex wants to come back Thursday. A cold front swing thorough and clears all this humidity out (hmm the 13th and I said in my June 27th update this humidity we would see until the 12th ish BOOOOM!) After this we are below normal temps wise with low humidity for a decent stretch through next weekend with temps in the low to mid 80’s and lows at night in the low to mid 60’s – very nice sleeping weather!


Looks to be a normal Temp month so far with precip being average to slightly above average. AS yuo see in most maps there is no yellowish colors over us except for one and that map should be put out to pasture!!

Reason being as John Homenuk from NY Metro Weather – great young met has explained in a blog he wrote – Alaska is controlling our weather – say WHATT!?? Yes, I know that is why we took it from Russia all those years ago – point top ponder my father grew up in school with 48 states – just shows you how relatively infant we are as a 50 state nation! So how is the biggest land state in the union with a 6 to 1 male to female ratio controls our weather you are thinking – due to the ridge or trough that forms there. We have a trough that is anchored like a ship waiting to unload her bay at Port Newark – in the Gulf of Alaska. So what does this do well on its backside (everyone has one and some are better looking than others!!) of the trough you have a ridge – this is anchored in the wester US so it is actually broiling with triple digits’ temperatures and a trough over the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region. This promotes cooler and rainier weather. This trough will expand and contract and the Bermuda high will flex its muscle and undercut this trough bringing in humidity. There are many levels to the atmosphere like a seven-layer cake so at the top we may have a trough but underneath it and closer to the land/surface we have the humidity from the BH as it is known undercutting this system.


This takes us through to the end of the Summer

Blue = COOL!

Precip – green = WET!!

A Train? = African Train = Tropical Systems

Peeps we have a number of what are called waves – yes like those at the beach rolling off the coast of Africa. Some will make it and some wont due to many variable – shear, African Dust, Dry air, other weather systems and fronts, Southern Oscillation, how I feel, what positive Juju Conrad puts out etc.etc.) BUT we have what is called a positive Indian Ocean Dipole where the waters in the east Indian Ocean are cold and the waters in the west off the African Coast are warmer this promoting storms (thunder cells) to forms and move in a westward direction across the continent. There is low Saharan dust at his time so many will come off the coast and form into depressions out over the hotlantic (MDR Main Development region) is warmer than normal. AS we progress through summer this becomes a concern.

Here are the two waves as marked in yellow – thanks to SROC from the NJ Strong Weather Forum:

The orange color is dry in front – if too fast these systems ingest them and are done if they don’t race intro these – slow and steady they will survive and make their way across the MDR.

Enjoy this beautiful day and no real heat waves in sight peeps.


2016-17 Snow Final Tally

Oh and hot off the press from Tom Stavola one of my favorite maps:

The winter of 2017-18 maps will be………………………………………

Updates to come.

Al Q

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno July 9, 2017 10:57

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