RIP KPO, Fall like temps continue, rain

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno September 17, 2024 19:39

RIP KPO, Fall like temps continue, rain

RIP KJO – Kevin Patrick O’Leary

Folks, it has been a busy and long few weeks for my family. Our beloved Poppy to my sons, nephew and niece passed away in his sleep on Sept 4th after his 6-month recovery battle with major leg arterial bypass surgery. May he rest in eternal peace in God’s kingdom of Heaven with the love of his life that he sorely missed and yearned to be with these past few months. It was sad to watch him deteriorate in the flesh but his soul and heart was as kind and big as ever.


Fall like temps continue

This has been one of the most amazing September’s temperature wise in a few decades going back to late 1993!!! The cool nights and tranquil days with temps at night ranging from 50 -60 degrees in the burbs and ruburbs hitting mid to upper 40’s a few times setting records with low humidity has been remarkable. It looks to keep going and if the long-range GFS model has any clue it will continue and temperatures decline as we round out September. WINDOWS OPEN PEEPS!! After two straight months of record utility bills doubling and tripling last years for July and August and we were away for a week in July with the AC on 78*!!! Yeah the economy is good and I have a bridge to sell in Brooklyn!!!

Friday night low temps







After a very wet August were record rainfalls took place – my weather system registered 10” plus and my school registered 11.5” of rains we had a very dry first few weeks of September. Well a tropical system that flooded and raked the North Carolina beaches and inland regions with as much as 17” of rain and wind gusts at hurricane force of 75 mph plus will spawn a secondary system off the coast that will bring rains starting tomorrow afternoon through possibly Saturday early morning. The models have been all over the place with this system going from bone dry to flooding rains – like Anchorman said “We can see 0 -20” of snow from this storm’. That is how all over the weather models are!!





If this were winter it’d be ridiculous to forecast snow with the erratic nature of these models!! Foreshadow? I hope not.

Be well, keep the faith and put it all in the big man and his sons’ hands for they will take care of things and guide you through it but you must trust in them!!!


Al Q

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno September 17, 2024 19:39

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