Record Lows, 40’s, 1994, Crazy Weather, Longest Daylight Incoming, COVID

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno June 14, 2020 19:15



Record Lows

Last night we hit 49* here and Guerci land hit 38* with Roscoe hitting 36* – that be wood burning stove worthy temperatures!!!! Dark Blue are new record lows and the aqua colors tied record lows!




The series of 10 days is going to be four (4) so the 40’s!! Yesterday adn today so far with at least two more if not 4 more due to a high pressure system that is sitting over Quebec Canada Region.





It was on this day that the NY Rangers ended their streak of 54 years without winning a Stanley Cup. A historical day in NY Rangers history and NY Sports history!


Crazy Weather

This is crazy – looks like a raging snowstorm right? Its not is a hail thunderstorm.



Longest Daylight Incoming

Next Sunday folks we have the longest “Day” of the year – well the longest amount of sunlight if you are outside the tropical zones. We shall have about 16 hours of daylight so lets get outside and enjoy this Summer Solsitice!



Some information that is actually wrong and disturbing to learn about that huge directive:

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo sent more than 4,000 sick people into nursing homes, creating mass panic, nearly half of US deaths in the NYC area, and the highest death rate in the world. 

Why woudl you send these sick people into a building of folks who are teh most vulnerable?? Murphy followed this thought process as well.

Wouldn’t common sense tell someone to not put highly contagious people into a locked building with those who are the most susceptible? To me there is no excuse for this – for heaven’s sake when you felt sick or where sick you are instructed and not allowed to go into a nursing home as we were told with my mother in law in two different homes she was in. An investigation needs to be done on this.

This guy should be have his licensed revoked. He was fired from his position and NO world or countries health organizations should ever use this guys fraudulent reporting or forecasting methods!!!



Greenland snow and ice growing

Same in Colorado last week LOL

This is Capitol Hill of Seattle – very sad and disturbing to see this in this country:

Meat prices are through the 1st floor ceiling right now:


Have a great night and be prepared not scared!



Al Mugno
By Al Mugno June 14, 2020 19:15

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