Rainy & Raw Sunday, Another Nor?, Finito x a Deuce

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno October 20, 2019 10:07


Rainy & Raw Sunday

Well they blew this forecast and Nster the Molester – I know not PC but it rhymes like Buster – is coming to pay us a isit today and ring us rainy and raw fall like conditions.

The NAM model called this since Friday right and I posted it on my twitter account then

Al”stradamous” Effect here peeps – need I say more??


Big Radar



GFS says we see about an 1/2 ” of Rain

NAM Says – I concur but I ma a bit more generous

Another Nor?

Possibly Next weekend


Finito x a Deuce


The Jyankees are done – false hopes peeps. They did not deserve to win sorry. Here it is.

Stop spending money on power hitting and get some pitching. trade Stanton, Sanchez and Bird and bring in a few studly pitchers for the post season run!

#2 = ME

Today, I take the last of Chemotherapy Treatment pills!!!!!!!!!!

On Friday, I shall have a full upper body scan to make sure nothing has metastasized (hoping and praying it has not and I believe it has not) and more blood work. Then onto Healthy City for me!!!

It has been a tough road since I was rushed to the hospital by my wife on Sunday April 7th of this year and then found out I had cancer on April 24th. It has been hard on my body, psychologically and emotionally tough at times (oh I had a meltdown or two) and I have powered through with the support and love of my wife, sons, family (present and deceased – they came to be with me in the hospital and help me as nurses and doctors – no I am not nuts but every single caretaker was a family member who past away – Paul, Rose, Lauren, Chris, Jack, Billy, Ann, Louise – some I never met but did so those days), friends, co workers, students and followers. You know who your true friends are when things like this occur. Some have not even sent a text or nothing seeing how things were going but have eaten food and had drinks. True colors peeps. But I am blessed to have so many peeps who care and show it through a text, a card or asking me, my wife, my kids and my family.

God, sorry if you don’t believe but I do and this is  my blog (LOL) so tough toots, has blessed me and given me the intestinal (no pun there since they removed a foot of them) fortitude, positive outlook, love and support to get through this. This has been much shorter than many other people who have had cancer and presently do and this I am also thankful for. I have had tough side affects (throat sores, affected by cold feels like pins and needles being jabbed into my feet and hands – vodoo doll by ??)and some still linger but I will over come those as well.

So adios to you nasty, disgusting disease that if I ever met you face to face I will slay you ……………………again!!!!

Have a great day and we have so much to be thankful for, I am for you!

Updates to come.

Al Q


Al Mugno
By Al Mugno October 20, 2019 10:07

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