- Today Wintry Mix Storm, Big Snow Dawg Barking Thursday??
- Winter Storm #4 and #5, Earth’s Rumbling
- Ice Ice baby verifies, Saddle Up Cowboys and Girls – YEEHAW!! USAID Really?
- Thursday Winter Storm, Pattern is ABSOLUTLETY LOADED – SUPER BOWL STORM
- Clipper Verifies, Vanilla Ice Baby = Thursday Winter Storm
- Historic Southern Snowstorm, Verment speaks, Clipper tonight, Thursday is Vanilla Ice Weather?
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In the face of model mayhem yesterday afternoon due to the dam EURO model saying as the nay, nay like Goldberg and Quinn it isn’t going to snow and give a snide smirk – well I ought a!! Who the fool now suckers!! I was on a facebook chat with Goldberg (Channel 7 met) last night and he was pumping his chest saying in all met terminology to try and throw us off that it was not going to happen and I chimed in and said well did yuo see the srefs and nam and fim models saying you are wrong – and the sob kicked me out of the chat session!! I said okay Mr. Know It All who will have the last laugh now S-U-C-K-E-R!! So I thought about a song that I loved in college from my boy Tom Petty and Full Mon Fever – how funny cause it is going to be a Full Moon Saturday and played a song I revered and epitomizes me – Won’t Back Down !!You can stand me up at the gates of hell – though I have never seen them but have seen the light (yes when I was 23 that is for another post!) I won’t back down! Here you go.
Well onto Ke$ha – Its about to blow: NNJ/NYC Metro Style
Timing Late Friday night early am Saturday lasting through Sunday morning possibly afternoon
Totals : 12″ plus at this time, 1-3″ plus rate per hour Saturday day time into the night possible (12-18″ total ?? at this time)
Duration: 18-24 hours at this time
Conditions: blizzard conditions Saturday all day into Saturday night with heavy snow, blowing and drifting, traveling – “it is not going to be fit for neither man nor BEAST “- anyone? anyone?
Major Coastal Flooding – if you know anyone at the shore tell them to start to get ready for this NOW!!! I can see evacs being ordered along the shore since so many (places are still recovering from Sandy) and Septs ocean storm that caused days of high tides and some flooding.
Winds – 25 -35 mph sustained with gusts over 40/50mph at times Saturday/Saturday night
SNJ – trop force and hcane gusts winds – dangerous
Maps please Visuals yes yes:
GFS Snow Map
NAM – crazy map but could be
NESIS scale – looks at my last post but I see this as a cat 4 – CRIPPLING
Next Tursday: Close call right now
A 25-50 miles shift S and E and N & W and the snow amounts and storm condition will change dramatically – for the good or bad.
IF we get a shift N &W then we take the 16-26″ range plus from the Philly area and swing it up this way if we go S&E we see 6″ -10″ then
DC is going to get crushed a historical storm for them 2′- 3’plus- they wont have school for a week – you watch – the National Guard will be deployed there and in Balt and Philly to help with the clean up
Updates to come
Al Q
PS we have a few more of these type storms to go – YIKES!!
PSS – Hurricane season is going to be wild this summer with Mr. Nino packing up shop- East Coast better watch out! – NS!!
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