Al Mugno
By Al Mugno March 11, 2020 19:33



Folks and I hate to say I saw this one coming but I did in writing about this back in January 26 in my post –

So some are downplaying this to a degree and some are making this like the world is ending as well – take the middle road and be level headed. It is serious and can spread fast like any virus or cold and this is the time of the year for this to happen. It will ramp up here and in other countries due to teh 14-20 days incubation period. Folks, we’ll see the number o infected escalate by doubling or tripling in the next two weeks as we have more tests available and more people come down with this.  The numbers I say are greater than what they are showing at this time worldwide. It is a PANDEMIC as I said bakc then it would. Now will 65 million people die? That is not happening but will there be a high percentage mortality rate – yes and those who are over 60 years old and in compromise health conditions (obese, heart conditions, diabetics, etc) need to be very careful.

This is a very serious statistic – so it is not the normal flu as some might say – by no means is it comparable with this chart



Chart look at that upswing – look like a Reggie Jackson Swing!


Okay, again for 1000000X if you are not stockpiling foods – frozen vegetables, meats, fish, canned goods, nuts, medical products.

So why am I harping on this so ??

Because our pot have nothing coming into them whatever has left China three weeks ago is it and Italy and now Europe too have nothing shipped out.

Pasta will be hard pressed in about 4 weeks since the major makers in Italy of these products are shut down – tehre is about 4 wees in the pipeline left of such products

Stock markets have melted down as I said they would and have much further to go the economic ramifications and domino affect with be like a Giant Squid – tentacles that reach far and wide.

Wash your hands for 30 seconds or more adn this will help tremendously.

How many times do we touch our face a day? About 150!!

We in the good ole USA have teh belief it can’t happen here, to us, to me – guess what throw that out the window cause its taking hold and WE as a nation and world need to do what it right to overcome this!

Italy’s health care/hospital system is in dire shape adn on teh brink of collapse by what insiders are saying – workers are now falling ill – that’s very bad .

NCAA tournaments – Basketball and Hockey will be fan less as the Mariners, Warriors and Sharks pro games. This will be the norm for a few weeks to month – no more home court, ice, field advantage any more peeps – this will be so weird – like playing a scrimmage since no fans really come out to see these games. I can see MLB postponing teh beginning of their season and when players come down with this their may even be cancellation of some games – possibly more!!

NYC cancelled tehir St Paddys Day Parade – 1st time in 258 years – just think what happened in that time frame??? World Wars, Depression etc!!! What are they doing with all the beer and great food (LOL)! – Boston and Chicago have done the same as has …………..IRELAND!!!



Peeps the farmers are going to be delayed in teh breadbasket once again this Spring and it will have great ramifications come this fall – I am forewarning you and have been.

Shrinkflation in full force – smaller products and charging teh same or more.

This snow map shows you that if we get this amount of snow in the areas got crushed Since late September and all winter long will get it good still:

Look at how wet it is in the pinkish areas – that is flood warning central!



The extremely strong polar vortex is going to break down from the looks as we head to early Spring. That dark red is showing this: Purple is tremendous cold air



Cold Phases of the green line in the MJO phases 2 and 3

The EPO is going very negative which will spell cold, wet and possibly white ending to March. EPO – where the hell was this in winter!!!! This would have been a cold and stormy period.


From March 25th to April 10th we may see abnormally cold and possibly a couple of white storms. April 6th is what Jim Witt, 82% verification score on his long range forecasts, says we shall look out for a possible WTH scratch your head snowstorm!


Updates to come.


Al Q

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno March 11, 2020 19:33

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