NS = BOOM!! ICE ICE BABY!! Storms galore?

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno February 12, 2019 14:24


NS= BOOM!!! All they hear is ice and that’s the nail in the proverbial coffin!

I knew it and I called it – all schools in NNJ were compliant with my request last night to close – some took longer like 5AM ish – I and my beautiful wife said you are not setting your alarm or bringing the phone with you if they call and I said ‘ “I am 10000% sure the call will be made” so I aint getting woken up for their hesitation to make the call.  Some this morning were like Al Q busted where’s the snow (Little Mac, TL, BB I know who you are LOL) and then around 9:30AM ISH

  That’s right BAM!!!!!!!!!

Some said an ED (early dismissal) would have been fine. Are you smoking the cannabis?? Have you looked at the traffic maps at 1PM = Nov 15 storm all over again – when school would be getting out!! 1.5″ of snow and sleet at that hour and you’d want to chance it??

This is you then

Yeah another 2-8 hours commute for many!!!

Okay so why did it take 4 hours from your (being me AL Q) call to snow? The precip was in here at 2amish – BOOM it came but why was it not falling? The very cold dry arctic air aloft  just ate up the snow like…………..


Image result for pacman eating snow remember him?? Sicola and La Rocca don’t have a clue neither  does B Bach …………………PACMAN!!! That’s me in the snow – ANGEL!!

Once teh air saturated enough it snowed and came down hard, to bad it didn’t start at 4-5AM we’d have 4-6″ easily!! Oh well ………..


Latest from NWS – cut snow totals as I said 3-6″ I have 1.5 on the ground here so we’ll be close when all is said and done.


ICE ICE BABY – this is not good as the ice accretion totals increased from what I posted yesterday – hope it doesn’t happen

Enlarge this image Click to see fullsize

Enlarge this image Click to see fullsize


What to expect :

Sleet to transition to freezing rain around 5-7PM for NNJ from S to N.

Freezing rain from about 7 -8/9PM maybe 10 pm in some spots.

DO for a lot of schools tomorrow, you watch – Sussex, Morris, Hunterdon, Western Passaic counties.

Whats in the pipeline? 3 – 4 possible storms in the next week cause the MJO is going into PHASE 8 which means the good things for us winter weenies – Tom F, Snow Queen and Princess, Jim G and fam,  Quinner BOOYAHH!!

PHASE 8 – 1 – 2 = SNOWSTORM CHANCES AND COLD through mid March IF it is correct







WOW! I am gonna be one busy person with this new pattern upcoming LOL!


Al Mugno
By Al Mugno February 12, 2019 14:24

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