- Today Wintry Mix Storm, Big Snow Dawg Barking Thursday??
- Winter Storm #4 and #5, Earth’s Rumbling
- Ice Ice baby verifies, Saddle Up Cowboys and Girls – YEEHAW!! USAID Really?
- Thursday Winter Storm, Pattern is ABSOLUTLETY LOADED – SUPER BOWL STORM
- Clipper Verifies, Vanilla Ice Baby = Thursday Winter Storm
- Historic Southern Snowstorm, Verment speaks, Clipper tonight, Thursday is Vanilla Ice Weather?
NS = BOOM!! ICE ICE BABY!! Storms galore?
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NS= BOOM!!! All they hear is ice and that’s the nail in the proverbial coffin!
I knew it and I called it – all schools in NNJ were compliant with my request last night to close – some took longer like 5AM ish – I and my beautiful wife said you are not setting your alarm or bringing the phone with you if they call and I said ‘ “I am 10000% sure the call will be made” so I aint getting woken up for their hesitation to make the call. Some this morning were like Al Q busted where’s the snow (Little Mac, TL, BB I know who you are LOL) and then around 9:30AM ISH
That’s right BAM!!!!!!!!!
Some said an ED (early dismissal) would have been fine. Are you smoking the cannabis?? Have you looked at the traffic maps at 1PM = Nov 15 storm all over again – when school would be getting out!! 1.5″ of snow and sleet at that hour and you’d want to chance it??
This is you then
Yeah another 2-8 hours commute for many!!!
Okay so why did it take 4 hours from your (being me AL Q) call to snow? The precip was in here at 2amish – BOOM it came but why was it not falling? The very cold dry arctic air aloft just ate up the snow like…………..
remember him?? Sicola and La Rocca don’t have a clue neither does B Bach …………………PACMAN!!! That’s me in the snow – ANGEL!!
Once teh air saturated enough it snowed and came down hard, to bad it didn’t start at 4-5AM we’d have 4-6″ easily!! Oh well ………..
Latest from NWS – cut snow totals as I said 3-6″ I have 1.5 on the ground here so we’ll be close when all is said and done.
ICE ICE BABY – this is not good as the ice accretion totals increased from what I posted yesterday – hope it doesn’t happen
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What to expect :
Sleet to transition to freezing rain around 5-7PM for NNJ from S to N.
Freezing rain from about 7 -8/9PM maybe 10 pm in some spots.
DO for a lot of schools tomorrow, you watch – Sussex, Morris, Hunterdon, Western Passaic counties.
Whats in the pipeline? 3 – 4 possible storms in the next week cause the MJO is going into PHASE 8 which means the good things for us winter weenies – Tom F, Snow Queen and Princess, Jim G and fam, Quinner BOOYAHH!!
PHASE 8 – 1 – 2 = SNOWSTORM CHANCES AND COLD through mid March IF it is correct
WOW! I am gonna be one busy person with this new pattern upcoming LOL!