I was at the US Open yesterday, never been before and what a venue. I can remember as a teenager going to a few Mets games back in teh late 80’s and this was nothing – Arthur Ash stadium and area (lots of grassy park like – heck just look at the King of Queens to see what I am talking about!) What a spectacular day to watch a sport that is filled with premadonnas – oh yes it is be honest, just like golf heck most professional sport athletes are today. Shout out to Jenn D, Felix and Barb for hosting us yesterday on the first day of………………..Meteorological Fall.
Yes folks September 1st is the first day of fall ………meteorological speaking and we are only 91 days away from Snow Queen and Princess’s favoritist season uhhhhh what would that be you ask……………WINTER LOL! Preview below under crazy weather.
It doesn’t and wont feel like fall this 1st half of September but the AO looks to be tanking by the midish month which if it verifies means a reversal of what we shall experience this 1st half of humidity and heat. Just in time for this…………

Looks like Cerelli and his clan LOL!!
Yes the heat and humidity will return this week due to the Bermuda High that will press on us and the warm anomalous (higher than normal) ocean temperatures off of our coast.
Heat Index Tuesday – YIKES

Temps Wednesday

Heat Index Wednesday

Thursday – Trifecta – 3 in a row

Hopefully by next weekend the heat gets pushed back or South.
September will feature heat and humidity in the 1st part and then we have to see what the tropics bring. SAY WHAT??? Oh yes the dead zone has awoken and we are reaching peak tropical cyclone season for the United States, look at this chart:

Tropics =

One of the best movies……………..EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
Peeps along the coast and Gulf of Meh – heeco please pay attention.
We have various African Waves of low pressure systems that will come of the coast and enter into the Atlantic. There is what are called Kelvin Waves and Impulses that will aid in these storms development as well as the increase in humidity, ocean temperatures and low shear. Florence is one we have to pay attention to and it will not be coming until peakish time – I know a week away but it is on the table so we TRACK!!
These are possible tracks and intensity – green = tropical depression blue = strong tropical storms/ cat 1 hcanes – red = cat 2 Hcanes


This is yells trouble!!!!!!!!!!!

That big HP will if again true help steer her into the big ? area – oh shitskies say may coastal peeps and rightfully so but as we say we shall see.
Oh and look at the two others nicely spaced out behind her = AWT African Wave Train WOOT WOOOT!!!
Ocean temps support tropical cyclone all the way up into NE

All of that rustic color = warm ocean temps.
This just in from the boyz and NY Metro Wx: Scenario#2 above may come to fruition??
Crazy Weather
Snow in Turkey

Snow in Turkey

Summer snowfall has been recorded across many countries from the United States and Canada, all the way across the pond to the UK, Austria, Germany, and Italy. Of course these events have not been reported by news sources like NBC, CNN, The New York Times, or The WashingtonComPost.
In Montana, The National Weather Service office in Missoula issued their first Winter Weather Advisory for the season for elevations above 6,000 feet in the Glacier National Park area, and areas in the Whitefish and Flathead Mountain ranges in Northwestern Montana. 1 to 3 inches of global warming were forecasted for areas above 7,000 feet with some localized areas expecting 3 to 6 or even 6 to 9 inches. Logan Pass, at Glacier National Park received exactly one inch of snow.
Snow in Glacier National Park, MT – August 27, 2018
Jackson Hole, Wyoming also received snow. Some areas nearby received an upward of five inches.
Snow in Jackson Hole, WY – August 27, 2018
Meanwhile, light snowfall was also recorded in British Columbia and Alberta while Ontario and Quebec, in Eastern Canada prepare for a heat wave this week.
Snow in Alberta, Canada – August 27, 2018

Across the pond in Europe, last weekend’s cold wave brought summer to a standstill with temperatures plunging to -2°C in Scotland, where light snowfall was reported in higher elevations. Austria recorded heavy snowfall, while the Italian Alps recorded up to 20 centimeters (7.9 inches). Some places recorded staggering totals of 40 centimeters or 17.5 inches of snow last weekend. Parts of Germany were also turned into a winter wonderland.
Both pieces of information are from:
On this day in 1935
Updates to come and enjoy this long and last weekend of Summer ….well really 1st weekend of fall but we’ll keep that between us peeps!!
Al Q
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