March ROARS into April (Hats n Gloves Alert), Gas Prices, Food Issues, Extreme Weather, Vid, Solar Flare, EVIL peeps

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno March 28, 2022 19:30



As I said two weeks ago that March looked like it would ROAR as it goes into April. The little sister to the big sister of the Polar Vortex as descended upon us and has brought these arctic, frigid temperatures upon us. Temps next two morning in the teens and 20’s!!!

Low Records here we go!!


20* for my low with a wind chill of 15* BRRRRRR.

It snowed Sunday 2x with heavy squalls and will again tonight.

Look at all the record lows this morning/overnight

Enlarge this image Click to see fullsize
March 2022 Obs & Discussions - Page 4 FO710YQXMAY-KGh?format=jpg&name=large

Record are being tied or broken all throughout the northeast last night, today and will continue through Tuesday before subsiding and possibility of severe thunderstorm on Thursday. Peeps will be saying how do we go from 30* daytime high temps with wind chills in the 20 degree range to almost 70 degrees on Thursday and Friday, well mid to upper 60’s? Called a meridional jet stream or a wavy jet that we have not experienced in such a long time, my formidable years’ time frame and some of yours too (1970’s).




Terrible 5 people died

From Unc W on 33n Rain = Incredible!
uncle w
Master Wx Expert

Posted 1 hour ago

nyc lowest highs…

3/28 34 in 1893 35 in 1937 36 in 1880 we are going to break this??


3/29 29 in 1887 31 in 1919 32 in 1923+
3/30 31 in 1884 33 in 1887 36 in 1883
3/31 34 in 1923 37 in 1922 38 in 1970+
4/1 34 in 1874 36 in 1924 36 in 1923+
4/2 35 in 1911 36 in 1899 39 in 2021+
4/3 34 in 1896 37 in 1908 37 in 1898
4/4 32 in 1879 35 in 1870 37 in 1975
4/5 30 in 1881 32 in 1879 34 in 1944
4/6 31 in 1881 33 in 1938 34 in 1943
4/7 30 in 1982 38 in 2003 38 in 1880
4/8 37 in 2003 37 in 1956 37 in 1916
4/9 39 in 2003 39 in 1982 39 in 1885
4/10 37 in 1942 39 in 1909 39 in 1900
4/11 38 in 1918 38 in 1882 39 in 1894
4/12 35 in 1918 35 in 1874 40 in 1894
4/13 35 in 1940 35 in 1875 41 in 1961
4/14 41 in 1948 41 in 1940 42 in 1943+
4/15 41 in 1943 41 in 1885 42 in 1923
4/16 39 in 1872 41 in 1914 42 in 1935
4/17 33 in 1875 43 in 1932 43 in 1873
4/18 32 in 1875 38 in 1887 42 in 1879
4/19 40 in 1875 42 in 1943 43 in 1983+
4/20 37 in 1904 41 in 1875 43 in 189?


It has NOTHING TO DO with the global warming theory of man that has been basically debunked by many now but you won’t hear this and why? They get silenced as does their work by your friends at the MSM and the like. Explain this picture of tehir homes if they are SO WORRIED ABOUT GW?? You give me 3 rational, logical points if they are practicing what they are preaching, please change my mind ..if you will.



Picture of a meridional jet structure.


A Rough Guide to the Jet Stream: what it is, how it works and how it is  responding to enhanced Arctic warming

Gas Prices

Well we are sitt8ing at $4 a gallon for unleaded here in NJ and people were saying our gas prices dropped about $.25 a gallon since oil dropped to about $95 a barrel …. YIPPEEEEE!!!! Oh but wait, say what? When it was at this price before this whole NATO plan for Ukraine against Russia started, gas was 3:25 a gallon at the same price per barrel of oil. So why is not at this price now?? No excuses other than the elite oligarchs in charge of his world are shafting us greatly.

A farmer to run his tractor in the Midwest costs him $1000 a day. My buddy who owns an excavating business said on Saturday night at dinner that it costs him $600 in fuel to run one double axel dump truck. Last year at this time it cost him $275. All diesel which is the original fuel used for all vehicles before Standard Oil got in bed with Ford, Oldsmobile and the rest of the automotive industry back in the 1920’s along with your bankers and politicians …. of course. Prohibition was a hoax from its reasoning. It was not against the mob it was against the farmers and moonshiners who were making their own diesel fuel and circumventing the government and its source of revenue.


Food Issues

I have been harping on this for some time now and even our sad, mentally ill President said this in a speech in Poland last week. They ALWAYS tell you what will happen next but the peeps are in denial. It can’t happen here we are America right? WRONG!!! Think again. Great Depression lasted from 1929 through 1945 basically. We are going to have big to massive issues down the road with food production. Rations are being implemented in France starting May 1st. They make their way here by October or just thereafter.

Bird Flu hitting the fowl – chicken and turkeys bigly again = eggs and chicken and turkey products starting to become less available

Tonga Explosion on 1-15 = is causing massive planting issues in South America as they are nearing their harvest season in May before they hit winter and many countries as well in Africa are not WAYYYYYYY short of their normal productions and goals. Export in many countries have been ceased – soybeans being a main source which are found in a vast majority of our food products. 60% decline in the crop this year.

Weather Extremes

This will be the case as we have entered the beginning, initial phases of the GSM- grand solar minimum and will be here to stay. Floods, freezes, hail, violent storms, snows and cold has decimated various areas of the world’s crops. How about this one- China has gone on the record and said this is the WORST HARVEST of winter wheat on record going back hundreds of years!!! I see signs in my grocery store all the time about such, due to the extreme weather condition our supply of X is blah blah blah!

Ukraine and Russia

They supply a great amount of grains to the world, 30% worthy. That has stopped and the embargo for the good of the NATO alliance will allow for people to go without food worldwide. Do you think Putin is affected by any of this? I certainly do not at all.


Locusts are back ….well they never left and will be more prevalent in Africa, Asia and possible North America


David Dubuyne Videos






Well, this is something if you care to dive into and find for yourself serious information.



From the truth seekers: health data source and science accepters that will become deniers when they see this as “misinformation” – nah its true information and the mass psychosis of accepting such is just that…..psychosis.


I question why are all these reports by medical, health institutions, doctors and pees coming out saying such? They ALL  cannot be wrong? And you cannot put sugar on this.  It is like putting lipstick on a hog and calling it a model,


Let’s see what Mr. Sun brings us with this latest flare??


EVIL peeps



God Bless you all, keep the faith in the Big G, his son and the holy spirit for health, protection and guidance.

Updates to come and dress warm tomorrow morning – it gonna be frigid for the time of year!!


Al Q


Al Mugno
By Al Mugno March 28, 2022 19:30

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