- Today Wintry Mix Storm, Big Snow Dawg Barking Thursday??
- Winter Storm #4 and #5, Earth’s Rumbling
- Ice Ice baby verifies, Saddle Up Cowboys and Girls – YEEHAW!! USAID Really?
- Thursday Winter Storm, Pattern is ABSOLUTLETY LOADED – SUPER BOWL STORM
- Clipper Verifies, Vanilla Ice Baby = Thursday Winter Storm
- Historic Southern Snowstorm, Verment speaks, Clipper tonight, Thursday is Vanilla Ice Weather?
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Irma or Irmagedon!!
She left a trail of massive destruction in the Caribbean Leeward Islands, Us and British Virgin Islands, PR, Cooba and up through Florida and into Georgia. Billions of dollars and tore apart the infrastructure. Over 1500 utility workers were called in for mutual aid to help with restoring power alone in Florida. Peeps if No Way Jose comes ashore and causes any other damage to our land we will be totally stretched to our limit. From what I understand they have sent a Naval Aircraft carrier fleet to the US Virgin Islands region to help with the restoration of power/utilities and get them up and running. They have the capacity to hook up lines to other Nuclear Reactors and power the islands down there. Not all of course.
And we can thank Cooba, why? No not for their ceegaws (Cigars) or sugar cane but for their 18K foot mountains. What in tarnizzle are you talking about – mountains and a hcane? Yes, as she rode the southern edge into Cuba she resisted making landfall due to the friction she felt between the land and sea. As she passed by this mountains region cold dry air down drafted off them and was ingested into here southern and then wester flank, quadrants (the engineering teacher in me quadrants LOL). This weakened her from a 150-60 mph storm that would have leveled not only the Keys as she did but all the way up through Naples and possibly into Tampa. The destruction could hav ebeen much worse in Florida and they might even reanalyze her and downgrade her to a CAT 3 since they are having some issued with quantifying 130 mph sustained winds in the keys buit then again the instrumentation was destroyed on land so……….
$ million wout power, Storm surge of 10’ plus all the into Charleston SC, 3-4’ surge in the Miami, Ft Lauderdale region and a massive tidal blowout in Tampa Bay – as I explained at lunch to my weenie cohorts Teddi, Zungoli, Miezys that winds were hcane force but blowing from the east out of the bay on the back side of the beast.
He is going to do a salsa dance and loops in the Atlantic. There is a precarious and complex set up in our upper air pattern. Yes I know once again but this one is going to be ever changing. One map has this
One has it going into Fla (UKIE is best with troip cyclones 5+ dasy out)
The Navy says get ready Mid Atlantic in NE.
Looks like the Navy drops 2 pieces of Irma leftovers. One in the southeast and one in the Ohio valley.. looks like each of those help to phase and keep it tucked…YIKKKESSS!!
Great a 2000 mile spread on the models.
Irma will have an influence as to what happens to Jose – he may jyo man I aint in hurry bro, chill and hang in the Atlantic and rot or strengthen and take another song to salsa dance to with Senorita Flores (who wouldn’t LOL) and then say I must go and head to the USA.
The snow maps early like this are a good sign!!!
Is this a coincidence or more? Since we had the total eclipse over this great North American continent we have had three major Hurricanes make landfall – Haa vy, Irmagedon, and Katia (the polish princess!) and a massive earthquake 8.1 in Western Mehico along with a massive solar flare at the X 2 level on Sept 6th. Peeps Mr Sun has a MAJOR influence on our planet in sooooo many ways that we discount him a lot but have to really take him more into account.
Updates to come.
Al Q