Incoming Clippers, Hunga Tonga Explosion Revised..Again!!!!, Arctic Cold, End of Jan Storm? More Info..

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno January 23, 2022 15:56


On this lazy Sunday afternoon we have my counter part Alberta  the Clipper racing this way with snow showers for the NNJ, CNJ, LHV and CT way. Maybe a coating an inch is possible. And again overnight.

Radar please:

Green is snow showers:

Hunga Tonga Explosion Revised..Again!!!!


Okay I have been harping on this since last Sunday after this island was blown in half. The new satellite imagery and from the Space Station in Space have estimated the mushroom cloud (nuclear?) to have topped out at ,,,,,,ready for this peeps………………180,000 feet that is……………24 miles into the sky. This is only about 12 miles from space!!. The umbrella cloud with the particulates and sulfur dioxide went 35 kilometers which is 115,000 feet which is 21.5 miles up!!! this teh greatest volcanic explosion in modern recording history as is teh Pacific wide tsunami.

2 Videos on this which help the explanation and possible effects – crop issues, water issues, global cooling of .5 to 1.0 Fahrenheit over teh next up to 18 months. These are projections and they can go up, stay the same or go down which I do not see. And where is the media on this??? Oh that’s right they are pushing the Ovirus narrative to make the billionaires richer.

This is not even the big one in the next 7-10 years peeps. We may have a few of this smallerish VEI 5 explosions but the Tambura type of explosion will be 20x plus greater than this.





Arctic Cold


The arctic express rides this week – choo choo! Like Jakub Trouba of teh Ny Rangers Hockey team !!


10: The Arctic Corridor – Notebook from the North


Clippers bring the cold air again this week.

Thursday morning some 20 to 30 degrees below normal for the region = OUCH like the Fauci Ouchie!! But this won’t have such health affects that are long lasting like that!!



Saturday Morning

End of Jan Storm?


Strong storm signal and the atmosphere is saying that prediction of a crippling blizzard for NYC may actually come to fruition. Time will tell but next weekend from Fridayish through Sunday we are watching. Could be an active beginning of February as well.

Need a few tweaks and then it comes. I’ll see what I can do with Big Momma if she’ll listen.


Say it sister!!

How true no one makes money off this:



Here comes the crash as I also predicted – well the big man upstairs said and has been harping on:

Watch for this signal peeps 2001, 2008, 1987 all ring a bell? History love to ryhme!


Tell me that world is not having wild weather and is actually starting its decent into a colder phase and I’ll sell you a bridge over the Passaic river!

Cap Allen does a wonderful job at this site!



Updates to come and put another log on teh fire each day this week- we are going to need it!!


Al Mugno
By Al Mugno January 23, 2022 15:56

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