- Today Wintry Mix Storm, Big Snow Dawg Barking Thursday??
- Winter Storm #4 and #5, Earth’s Rumbling
- Ice Ice baby verifies, Saddle Up Cowboys and Girls – YEEHAW!! USAID Really?
- Thursday Winter Storm, Pattern is ABSOLUTLETY LOADED – SUPER BOWL STORM
- Clipper Verifies, Vanilla Ice Baby = Thursday Winter Storm
- Historic Southern Snowstorm, Verment speaks, Clipper tonight, Thursday is Vanilla Ice Weather?
Historic Southern Snowstorm, Verment speaks, Clipper tonight, Thursday is Vanilla Ice Weather?
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Historic Southern Snowstorm
Peeps, it happened and to see that many old-time records were broken for snow and cold from East Tex-Ass to South Caraalina as the southerners say came to major fruition…….it snow 50 miles off the Gulf of…AMERICA coast!! That is unreal. Pensacola had a 10” …. ON THE BEACH!!!! YOU have to go way back to the 1895 and 1899 winters for such…but we are in a warming climate? Hogwash peeps. You aint seen nuttin yet!
Call = A for me LOL!
I have been harping on the extreme weather events and they will be ramping up bigly and shall continue.
https://x.com/i/status/1882155226175779196 – CRAZY ICE SKATING on BOURBON STREET
WHOAA!! What a cool down, drastic from the arctic cold wavethat hit!!
NOLA – looks like a Christmas hallamrk movie!
Vermin Speaks
Phil and Chuck two of the master lore vermin’s duel it out. One says 6 more weeks of winter – Phil and one the complete opposite Chucky hailing from Staten Island. The great Island in NY Harbor where my buddy Mike Q and my sons girlfriend Miss J hail from!
We’ll keep a score card and see how they do. Chuck may lose bigly I have a sense. After looking at the weather maps these past few days. It OUCLD be major wintry period from Feb 6th through mid-March.
Clipper tonight
After a 7-year hiatus they are finally back, Alberta Clippers that is!! One which was to be much further North of our area is getting shoved down by the Tropospheric Polar Vortex that is sitting in Canada by Hudson Bay. What can we expect:
Snowfall for NNJ into NY State and LI
Snowfall Amounts: .5 to 1.5” maybe squeak out a deuce by the slanty, not shanty but slanty, ruler measuring LOL!!
Timing – 9PMish to 3-4AMish
CANADIAN MODEL – Trudeau says due to the tarrifs imposed by DJT he is going to bar its use for non other than the CVanadian wx epople…..what an I.d. iot!!
3K NAM agrees
GFS says hold my beer
We may see delayed opening if this verifies or the RGEM model does as well.
Britt in Wahwick = Closed
Many DO’s will be flying (D)= Delayed Openings as a refresher!)
Thursday is Vanilla Ice Weather?
Say what? The music analogies are back and here we go: Ice Ice baby……
Looks like an icy mix of a storm with snow to start then transitioning over to sleet and freezing rain.
7AM – orange is sleet
10AM is pure ice = Freezing Rain
1PM more ice
Freezing Rain:
This combo would close all school in NNJ
CUZ DAVE AND LAURA H, Frey man, (Shout outs) HAILING FROM THE TOWN IN THE MIDDLE – decode that, will be happy stsarting 2-10 onward.
Snow in ALL 50 States!! Last time was……..1977
Shaker in NJ!!!
2.4 in Paramus on Jan 24th!!
Lastly, on this date in history, maybe the greatest long-range call of all time by Jim Witt. The 2014 Super Bowl at Giants, Met Life stadium and the ensuing SECS snowstorm that followed (8” total) one hour after the game. MANY told me I was crazy when I was calling his call he made in early December at a wx holiday meeting!!
Look at this supressed information by then Chris Krispie, the evil governor https://www.nj.com/weather-guy/2014/01/super_bowl_weather_what_if_this_storm_happened_on_game_day.html
Give thanks to the Lord and his son whom he sacrificed for us (can you even imagine sacrificing any of your children for people who made fun of and chastised him? I know me – I’d take em all out somehow LOL!!) for each day is a gift peeps. It can and will one day be taken from you and me. We do not know when or how but it will happen, praying it is later than sooner and always be grateful for even the obstacles, trials and tribulations in your life for he will guide and see you through it. Harder said than done but it’s called……FAITH!!
Be well and updates to come. I have a feeling I will be bloging and updated like 2014- 2015!!!
Al Q