Happy Winter, New Year and Window of White?

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno December 30, 2019 11:10


It has been awhile I know and I hope you all enjoyed the first day of winter which was our shortest day, well in terms of sunlight here in the Northern Hemisphere!! Now we start to add a minute to our day and the sunrises get earlier and teh sunsets later until we reach summer which some maybe yearning for at this point!

It has been a mild stretch after a cold and storm first 21 days of December where our average temperature for Hillsdale, NNJ was 5 degrees below normal and we had 5 inches of wintry precipitation in terms of snow, sleet and freezing rain. Now for NW NJ some areas where 8 degree below normal and recorded about 12 -14″ of snow and ice so far!!!

The monster storm for teh 23rd just fizzled out as teh pattern did an about face on us and will do one again the first full week of January and then flip teh otehr way there after for teh 2nd week and then flip back towards the end of the month – its like a roller coaster up and down, up and down and why?? Due to low solar causing the extremes in the Meridional flow of the jet stream. Example here in this image

Image result for meridional jet stream flow

Window of White

The Jan 5-10th time frame has a window of white = snow for us – I have narrowed the down to January 7-9th due to the suns high energy cycle forecast and more so the planetary alignment with Jupiter’s perigee to planet Earth. The last time we had such we had the great MLK storm in January 1994. Time will tell but this map below – those blue colors mean there is trough setting over the northeast and this trough usually indicates colder temperatures and a storm


Map From 33& rain wx board

The issues going forward are from the Aussie’s – thank yo 19 Crimes wine peeps. What you ask is that – look up the wine 19 crimes. It was 19 gents who committed “crimes” were shipped to the God forbidden land of Australia by the Queen and made themselves a new life there and flourished. Always teaching and learning I is!!

There is an anomolous warming off the NW coast of Aussie land that will promote convective Thunderstorms to develop and start tropical forcing mechanisms that will promote the South East ridge to kick up and cause us to warm in January. Boo frigin hoo I know – these unforeseen happenings are just driving me bonkers these past two winters!!

Look at the map:

This will cause the MJO to go into the warm phases of 4 & 5 and thus bring us a warm spell – that frickin heat miser and all the warmicists and GW peeps will be singing about this as usual.


Point this out – look at how cold the southern hemisphere oceans are lots of blue with a  patch of warm orange – this area they believe to be underground volcanic activity brewing hence the orange warm colors.


So we have normalish conditions this week as we end this year and decade adn we look forward to w a more winter like period from Jan 5thish until Jan 10thish.

Have a great day and New Year – a healthy,, happy and blessed one!

Al Q

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno December 30, 2019 11:10

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