- Today Wintry Mix Storm, Big Snow Dawg Barking Thursday??
- Winter Storm #4 and #5, Earth’s Rumbling
- Ice Ice baby verifies, Saddle Up Cowboys and Girls – YEEHAW!! USAID Really?
- Thursday Winter Storm, Pattern is ABSOLUTLETY LOADED – SUPER BOWL STORM
- Clipper Verifies, Vanilla Ice Baby = Thursday Winter Storm
- Historic Southern Snowstorm, Verment speaks, Clipper tonight, Thursday is Vanilla Ice Weather?
Happy New Year, TRUMP???? WOOF WOOF??
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Sorry for the lapse in updates – had a sinus infection and lots of errands, hockey games and yada yada yada. I am tempering my excitement – no not for my new years resolution – okay lets be for real only 23% of those are ever followed through as per CNN – but abut (think Canada) the weather – wooo hoooo!!
Okay, I told you it would snow and sleet on Monday night 12-28 into Tuesday 12-29 – picked up .4″ (4/10 tenths) of snow and ice – not what I had thought or the models were showing a few days earlier btyg we’ll take it – only another 34.6″ to reach our normal snow here in NNJ (Hillsdale) but what a beautiful sight for this weenies eyes and you? Well you might want to get used to it. Why Trump you ask?? Not going to get political here but …………………………IT IS GOING TO BE………………………HHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGEEE!!
The pattern change I have been harping abut (Canadian again) for the last couple of weeks and in my winter outlook – mid Januray we flip and a 180 at that. Speaking of for New Years Eve I surprised my kids by taking them to do 180’s not the I bounce trapeze gig but I FLY!! It was exhilarating and it parallels sky diving – must do it – Yonkers is the place for this.
Here is the cliff note from my winter outlook:
Cliff Notes:
- Slow start to winter with transient cold shots – white xmass? – Did not happen – Negative one and no one saw the historical warmth – warmest December ever on record (back to 1877 when temperature records were kept).
- Precipitation overall is going to be above average with such a strong El Nino
- We really take off come mid-January at it lasts through March – possibly until the last week timeframe
- One or two Godzilla Snow storms
- Get the snow blower ready I say along with the firewood and the RUM CHATA drinks!
This is teh temp fprofile from Dr Judah Cohen who is a leading expert on this: -1.5 – 2 Celsius – um that is -2.5 degrees to -4 degrees below normal and it starts this Monday
Pattern Change
Current: Warm – YUCKKKK!!
AO tanking = cold air from the Arctic Area
EPO setting up a PAC block from all this mild pacific air from flooding our East Coast and set up a cross Siberian flow
PNA going positive as from the map above you see teh orange and red in NW USA and BC Canada – that will drive the storms to the east coast and up it
Now the big boy NAO if this is true then we are setting our selves up for a 2009-10 scenario – do you remember those 6 weeks starting with Boxer Day Blizzard on Dec 26-27th – school would have been closed for 3 days and IF this happens again you can bank on it.
This means cold and stormy chances up coming and speaking of cold wow is it going to get cold this week – first arctic outbreak and perfect timing for my sons outdoor hockey rink to freeze
And then for the Jan 9th to 13 time frame we could be seeing our first SECS – significant east coast snowstorm and yes and a MECS – major EAst Coast Storm – my boy Joe Bastardi is honking saying it could be a blizzard!! Then from Jan 11th to 20th time frame we could see historic cold – yes that is right as far as Momma went with teh warmth she is bringing the cold right back baby!! Thor is splitting the PV as we speak and by mid Jan to teh third week his job should be complete. IF this is to happen then we could see 45 days plus of wild winter weather!!
SNOW accumulation possible for the Jan 8th – 10th. This would be a rain to sleet to snow event comes on Jan 10th then we are all snow.
Then the active STJ (Sub Tropical jet) is going to bring storm after storm after storm and if we get teh NAO to block up the pipeline my kitchen sink on turkey day in 1997 all I have to say is then MOMMMMA MIAAAA!!!
I wish you al teh best in 2016 peeps and I thank yuo for following me and please pass teh word. NYR get 2-3 more folks to follow AL Q – I have over 650 folks signed up to follow – lets hit 800 by mid month?!
Here is the 2 storm tiem frame i just mentioned above -= some beasts in here!!
The lower the number the stronger the storm = more SNOWWWWWWW!!
Recap – BIG PATTERN change and first arctic outbreak coming Monday through Wed Tuesday morning very cold. First significant snow threats (plural) coming 9th through 13th. Bitter cold incoming after teh 11th on teh heels of the storm.
Have a great day and again best wishes for Health, Happiness and Prosperity in 2016.
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