Happy Meteorological Winter – RAIN, NINO, MORE RAIN BLAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno December 1, 2015 20:15



Today is the first day of what is called met winter which runs until March 1st. I know the calendar says Dec 21st until March 21st or thereabout but the meteorological winter begins today – YIPPPEEEEEE!!!

BUT blah with this pattern which is what this NINO is responsible for – cool wet weather – more like the Northwest than the Northeast!  AAAAAAnd there is more to come the next two weeks, lovely isn’t it? Not in my book this time of year but what can you do. Remember, that massive body of water we call the Pacific, it is driving our weather and will do for many, many centuries to come. This is typical El Nino weather peeps.

RAIN that lovely precipitation is going to be in abundance again tomorrow with raw conditions – well not as raw as today – do you know what is worse than 44* and rain?? 34* and rain – that is simply a kick in the pants!!! For manana peeps here we go:

When all is said and done between today and tomorrow some place in NNJ may see 1 – 2″ of rain.Moderate to heavy rain from about 3PM until 8 PM.

The GOOD news is that all of this systems are laden with moisture and this will be the theme as we move through this winter. Why do yuo ask again? Well, when we get the cold air it will snow in buckets! We may FINALLY see a Godzilla or two – look at the terms page for what is meant by this. Speaking of cold air what a shame it is all locked up in the Western Americana but good for them hey have had a drought the last two years so Momma (Nature) that is is going to help balance things a bit. It will slowly makes its way across the country and settle upon us come mid January through Mid March as I explained in my winter outlook. The Polar Vortex -ooohhhhhh that menace of storm – sounds real bad – really not, is so cold, condensed and yet expansive that when we get Thor (Marvel movies)

to break this the flood gates will open like the Grand Coolie (I know Coulee) dam or like the Johnstown,Pa flood thanks to Mr. Carnegie. Now looking ahead there will be storms lining up to bring us rain but the pattern needs this to set up for our winter and this is excellent news peeps and patience is must with this pattern:

Wed 12-10 time frame:Can you say beast????? MADONNE – this would be a frickin’ blizzard, a NESIS storm hands down if we had cold air!


Mon 12-14 time frame


and then the real Fantasy storm comes just in time for a VERY SPECIAL DAY

12-17 and it could be white gold IF the timing is right!!


The temps will be rather above normal the next week or so – YUCK but again this is what was to be expected in December.


This from a great wise man we weenies need to live by for sometime:


On that I wish you a great night and a VERY HAPPY MET WINTER!!!

I think we are going to be fine as we move through this step down process of what we call winter, December is the transition month so we do as Yogurt says……….


Al Q





Al Mugno
By Al Mugno December 1, 2015 20:15
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