Happy Birthday America!!, Next 7 days, Summer Pattern, Hints of Winter, Extreme Wx events

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno July 4, 2023 13:29


Happy Birthday America

This idea, this experiment no not the Big Pharma one’s (notice the plural – Tuskegee, Polio, HPV, AIDS/HIV, VID etc. etc.) is 247 years young and has been through wars abroad and at home (as I write), great inventers, innovators, policies, planners, and leaders have helped make this country BUT we the People, The American patriots who love this republic and will stand for her as so many of our servicemen and woman have and are doing make America. Happy Birthday America the greatest experiment ever of mankind that has endured for so long and so many evil humans want to take her down but fail, think about that for a minute. We can not and will not let this happen and so we celebrate the 56 men who signed that Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson, 3 drafts you know, on this day in Philadelphia and pay homage.  Look up what those men sacrificed for us, their stories are heart wrenching but are to be honored and celebrated for their valor and heroics.

The great American Anthem and Songs! Enjoy.



Next 7 days & Summer Pattern

We’ll folks the pattern doesn’t seem to be budging and I said this to the Bach clan on Memorial Day weekend when I was walking home from a day at the beach and heard a familiar voice yell “Mugno,,”, …. Mr. Mugno. I stopped in my tracks and there they were in their glory, 3 generations of beautiful people relaxing and sitting with their patriarch Poppa Bach. I was asked at that time what summer was to be like – wet n cool by Brandon I believe and Is aid it looks that way but it remains to be seen. Well, it certainly is looking to be this way. I know the humidity is not cool, neither are the long shorts anymore rewind to 1980’s baby, but it is cooler than the past decade of summers so far. It looks to keep this motto and theme going. Why you ask? A few reasons, the reemergence of El Nino, the Hunga Tonga and Kamchatka Volcanoes, the North Atlantic cooling and lastly and the wildfires (planned or accidental?, my CT mind says planned overall) Hunga Tonga was a massive off the scale type of explosion that released tens of trillions of gallons of water vapor into the atmosphere and guess what, a year later we are seeing the effects as the Southern Hemisphere saw last year and continue to do so. No wits our turn to get in the action and play……. NICE!! Kamchatka happened 3 months ago and spewed a massive amount of ash 60 to 75K feet up which is…….12 – 15 miles into the atmosphere. The particles are helping cool things and induce more cloud nucleation. The wildfires are blocking the sun and aiding in cloud nucleation as well. And Joe, Biden that is not Joe momma (LOL!! Corny 80’s joke but a staple) wants to block the sun for “Climate Change”. Does anyone realize that if we block the sun we’ll kill off humanity? How? The SUN is our life = plants photosynthesis, VIT D = immune system and health, water cycle and so much more. A softer way of saying you humans are worthless and we need to get rid of you?? Eugenics anyone? Look it up its been around for centuries and Gates’s father and Hillary’s parents were all involved. But I digress and now back to the weather:

A big trough swings back in after a beautiful day manana, Wednesday high about 90 and sunny. Then it is showery, t-storms, breaks of sun in between clouds……. crappy Summer Weather unless you’re a duck! Quack Quack.


This looks to be the pattern through this summer unless we can get something to break it like a recurving pacific Typhoon or an Atlantic Hcane.

The blue is the big trough and no heat wave associated with it.


Hints of Winter

Okay so we have officially made it over the hump for a few reasons: One the second half of the year has begun, we are losing daylight time each day now making our way to ……. SNOWQUEEN, PRINCE, PRINCESS and KING’s season……WINTER. A few reasons named.

I can foresee a weaker than projected Nino pattern where we may have big bouts of blocking and cold with storminess. Some analog winters are 1977-78, 1947-48, 2002-03. Reasons being – again weak el nino, volcanic and wildfire atmospheric disruptions and North Atlantic cooling.

Time will sure tell but IF it plays out some may be crying…..UNCLE….by the endish of February!



Extreme Wx events

Peeps, there is no way to keep up with all the extreme weather (wx) events from home to worldly.

They are still skiing in the mountains of the west, they’re was a massive snowstorm out there in the mountains closing the 6000’ pass between Montana and Wyoming last week with 4’ of snow, Texas (Shout out to R Smith known as SCHMITTYYY!!) recorded the largest ever hail stone (unlike a gall, kidney stone imagine no way Jose) that was about the same size as a bowling ball!!! Derecho that wiped out 1million plus corn and farm land in the Midwest with 100 plus mph winds and hail the size of baseballs, Record Heat in Texas, Record cold in Australia, Asia, North America, flooding in the deserts of Middle east and Africa, and on and on and on. Why?? No, it is not you, me or CO2 as they brainwash us to think and believe. It is called the Grand Solar Minimum and I have ben harping on this for a decade now since I learned and did my own research on this topic. Again, that sun that Joe Biden and his minions want to block (actually Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab idea)? Yeah that one controls our planet.







June Temperatures for USA were Below Normal for 3/4 of the country



I thank the Lord above for giving us this great land, allowing me to be alive as you are during this period of time. We are all here for a reason, a purpose and must stand for what is right by HIM. God Bless you all and your families and God Bless America. He has his hand on this great land and will continue to do so.


Updates to come.


Al Q

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno July 4, 2023 13:29

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