- Today Wintry Mix Storm, Big Snow Dawg Barking Thursday??
- Winter Storm #4 and #5, Earth’s Rumbling
- Ice Ice baby verifies, Saddle Up Cowboys and Girls – YEEHAW!! USAID Really?
- Thursday Winter Storm, Pattern is ABSOLUTLETY LOADED – SUPER BOWL STORM
- Clipper Verifies, Vanilla Ice Baby = Thursday Winter Storm
- Historic Southern Snowstorm, Verment speaks, Clipper tonight, Thursday is Vanilla Ice Weather?
HAPPY BDAY AMERICA!!, Rewind on T-storms, Double HH’s, CDC & COVID, Food Issues Lurking
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Peeps a multitude of information in the latest blog America’s Birthday and first Saturday of July!!
God Bless our country. To all those men and woman who fought, gave their lives for our freedoms and liberties we enjoy and largely take for granted in this amazing country. To them, past, present and future military and first line folks who protect us each and every day……………………THANK YOU!! Take a step back and reflect on this today because some “plans” I am reading about look to take away more of these in our future so let’s not capitulate to these ideas or people and let’s celebrate this day and those who have paid a sacrifice one way or the other.
Happy 4th of July everyone! Hope everyone has a great time celebrating the greatest country in the world! #USA 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 💥 💥 pic.twitter.com/p5Svidpszj
— Tony DeAngelo (@TonyDee07) July 4, 2020
Rewind on T-storms
Had some great rains these past few days here in NE NJ while other areas got diddly squat to the west of me BUT BIG MOMMA has a grand way of evening things out. We had a 14-day stretch of no rain and the yesterday received 1.51” and Thursday .61” and Tuesday another .57”.
SNJ in Cape May County got pummeled on Wednesday ……. Whoa Nellie!!!!
1” Hail, torrential rains that flooded many areas and sick Cloud to Ground Lightening.
Svensmark's Solar Minimum/Cosmic Ray/Cloud Nucleation link grows stronger by the day.#GrandSolarMinimum#Preparehttps://t.co/TU4VVJVwle
— Electroverse (@Electroversenet) July 3, 2020
Double HH’s
Sorry snow queen and princess but the tag team machine of summer that is a bummer for you and your winter weenie crew is back = Double HH’s – Heat and Humidity. Now don’t get all hysterical crazy about this – it’s summer its hot and ….it HUMID!! Always Humid in NJ since we live along a massive body of water that is always pumping this water vapor and droplets onto this land mass.
Temps are very comfortable today and then the High Pressure starts to anchor itself. Thunderstorms and pop up storm or showers are possible each day but isolated and sporadic.
Monday – Yikes SWNJ and PHILLY!!
Saturday – we’ll see about this!!
SO AC it and take in teh warmth cause Idaho and parts of Montana got……………..SNOW this week !!!
US Weather Anomalies: State of Emergency Declared After 9 Inches of Rain in 24 Hours Trigger Deadly Flash Floods in Western Wisconsin – 6 Inches of Snow in Idaho #floods #Wisconsin #Idaho #snowhttps://t.co/GGWkFKsLIv via @Strange_Sounds pic.twitter.com/TiShjCt8yu
— Strange Sounds (@Strange_Sounds) June 30, 2020
Okay peeps, I know I am not a medical doctor nor I will ever say that I am but I do my research and this is my personal point of view on this. Again, this is from LOTS of research and not one sided either but a deep dig into this. If you disagree that is fine with me, BUT do not go our and try to slander me or revert to mud slinging in comments etc as I have deleted. Some are bots, others trolls and others well I just do not know yet.
Also, Dr Fauci is not a epidemiologist but a virologist – big difference, and teh CDC is not a governmental agency but a private entity that is a government data collection agency that JFK started in 1961.
Okay peeps now we are seeing a “spike” in cases and how many are being hospitalized and are dying from this as morbid as this is?? What did one expect after massive amounts of folks protested and went further in the despicable acts of looting and burning down business and homes? BUT that is all okay with some state gov’ts but I can’t go to church and sing (banned in Cali now how ludicrous is this and people will follow like sheep and believe this), sit in restaurant with my family 6’ from another table and eat a meal?? Friends who own restaurants and pubs have all said 1984 is in affect – “they” inspectors who are part of the state come in and spot check, they want video from them of their places if not they’ll fine them and close them down. You think about this for one darn second, well maybe a few how insane this has become and Orwellism is taking hold. Read the book and study this if you have NO idea what I mean.
This all as we test 5x the amount of people. It has been stated that the more peeps you test the more you will find that have key word have been infected.
CDC & MASkS- LOL – I have been saying this for weeks now even my own PCP (Dr.) said this to me way back when in early April for my physical
Note what this 2020 paper on the CDC website says about the PURPOSE of surgical mask:
"Disposable medical masks were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes of bodily fluids." pic.twitter.com/wzfUaoyYE5
— Ned Nikolov, Ph.D. (@NikolovScience) July 1, 2020
Just the literature here.
HCQ – Hydrchloroquine and it use by doctors to HELP treat this
Yesterday, the Michigan study showed *late* use of HCQ + Azithromycin cut COVID deaths by 50%.
Today, our study shows *early* use of Zinc + HCQ + Azithromycin cut COVID deaths by 80%.
How much longer can our leaders ignore the science? Hydroxychloroquine works. pic.twitter.com/AIvqTSE8at
— Dr. Zev Zelenko (@zev_dr) July 3, 2020
Wow a positive article about HCQ snuck through the cracks at CNN…
A large US study shows HCQ reduces mortality by >50%.
Will it get as much MSM coverage as the VA study (very late treatment), Lancet study (fraudulent) and RECOVERY study (overdosing)?https://t.co/YSbxc9DaMD
— James Todaro, MD (@JamesTodaroMD) July 3, 2020
Telling above or what – so why did some Governor BLOCK the dr’s adn hospital from getting this drug?? Great question no one has asked!
CDC is now taking the folks who test positive for the anti-bodies into the “INFECTED, NEW CASES” data.
Don’t you see what is going on here?? The elite academic science figures are trying to take control of the situation. They have been highly infiltrated by politicians and feed you scary, panic stories to strike fear in you. When fear is in a person they will succumb to ANY and EVERY action of a leader they have belief in. Look at history peeps – Ivan the Terrible, the Caesar’s of the Roman Empire, Stalin, Hitler.
Anyone have any idea what other countries are now doing?? Sweden, Italy, Germany, Japan, South Korea?? Nothing they have all gone the route of yes we may see spikes but Herd Immunity which saved man from the plague’s, and recently Spanish Flu (killed 100 million worldwide estimated of 1.8 billion back then (was a 5.6% death rate!!!) and the Hong Kong Flu’s in the late 1950’s and 1960’s. Sweden NEVER locked down and once they realized their mistake of not protecting their elderly in nursing care facilities, oh how about this Gov’s Cuomo and Murphy, they flattened the curve and things dropped quickly as per deaths and then infections followed.
In addition to a decrease of 52 in the total number of patients hospitalized with COVID-19, there were 27 new coronavirus deaths as well as 539 positive test results announced on Thursday.
Those numbers bring the statewide totals to at least 15,078 coronavirus-caused deaths (13,224 confirmed and 1,854 probable) and 171,928 confirmed cases since the outbreak began.
Math of infection rate = 0.019 (171,928 divided by 9 million state peeps)
Math of death rate using the 15,078 number = 0.0016 (15,078 divided by 9 million state peeps)
I bold this because I would respectfully challenge these numbers – MANY folks did not die from Corona but “other” health issues but were labelled – (STIGMA FREE – no not with this!!) as having such – they even tested them after they passed away – truth be told to see if they had this!!
BERGEN COUNTY STATS from July 3rd compared to June 29th below
(State reports 19,474 cases, 43 of which are new, with 1,733 confirmed deaths and 261 probable deaths; as of Tuesday, county reports 19,447 cases with 1,726 deaths)
June 29th
Bergen County Alone has a population of the 932K
932,202 (2019)
So 20K out of 932K is…….0.02078 infection rate
1,722 confirmed deaths of 932K = 0.00184 death rate
Of these numbers by state figures we have 68% of these folks that passed in nursing care facilities = nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, and other such facilities has vet centers and Spectrum for living centers – a hogpog of facilities thrown into this.
1,722 x.68 = 1,170 have dies in nursing care facilities as reported
Did I not tell ya we’d have something brewing in the tropics??
https://t.co/VDPx6GPjEP idea from yesterday. NHC now has this as a moderate chance. More important to US feature next week, ( now near central gulf coast. This one if it develops heads out tho Bermuda has got to watch out . Both nontropical in origin https://t.co/B6OzVyvibL pic.twitter.com/38RHnGaIZ4
— Joe Bastardi (@BigJoeBastardi) July 4, 2020
Food Issues Lurking
Who are you going to believe?
The IPCC with their warm-mongering political agenda?
Or the nation's cold-weary farmers?https://t.co/mQfxWB5Dza— Electroverse (@Electroversenet) July 1, 2020