Happy 409 Day!, Oil, Food Issues Mounting,Hcane Forecast Update, ID 20 20 ??, China in Africa, Storm Spotter Video

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno April 9, 2020 14:47


Happy 409 Day!,

Happy Formula 409 Multi-Surface Cleaner, Spray Bottle | Walgreensday !!! get it 4/09 LOL!!

Oil Update (if you weren’t following)

Oil who’s your great great x1000000^5 grandaddy?

The real T. rex looked nothing like the monster in 'Jurassic Park ...

T -Rex that is who!!!

Oil which we have about 53 years left on this planet we call Earth at present rate of consumption (well not the last few months since we have not used much at all) is at low prices. There is glut of oil since we have this absolute shutdown across the globe. Pollution is way down which is what this world was like 250 years ago – think about that one!!

From Market Insider

  • The price of oil could slide below $20 for the first time since 2002 if an OPEC production cut agreement can’t be reached, RBC Capital Markets strategist Helima Croft said Thursday.
  • A Thursday meeting between the world’s biggest producers has “several land mines lurking right below the surface” that could tank negotiations, she said in an interview with CNBC, including the US’s shaky participation and Russia’s hopes for a large cut from Saudi Arabia.
  • Even if the meeting yields a cut to pumping activity, oil prices won’t fully rebound until the coronavirus pandemic subsides and demand recovers, Croft said.

Therefore gasoline prices in NJ are at $1.85 range – why you would pay $2.00 a gallon here? I saw a gas station near me at $2.09 and another one about 2 yards down teh road at $1.85?? That is a .24 – a 13% difference – be economical not a sucker by this. Gasoline is all the same federal regulated product unlike 30-40 years ago so. It doesn’t mater if its Fuel 4 Gas Station or Shell Gas its all the SAME!!

So Oil is up today since OPEN said it will cut 10-12 million barrels of oil a day – we’ll see if this happens since he Russians and Saudi’s are on fragile terms. Like bulls in a China shop.

Food Issues Mounting

Peeps you know I have been harping on this since last spring and it is coming about.

We have tons of milk, vegetables and other foods being dumped. Say what??


Dairy farms dump milk as coronavirus crisis spoils demand

https://nypost.com › 2020/04/06 › dairy-farms-dump-milk-as-coronavirus-cr…
3 days ago

Dairy farmers are dumping giant loads of milk down the drain as the coronavirus crisis spoils demand for …

Coronavirus forces dairy farmers in Wisconsin to dump milk

https://www.usatoday.com › story › money › 2020/04/03 › coronavirus-forc…
6 days ago

They were being asked to dump 25,000 gallons of fresh milk a day because there was no place for it to go …

Florida Dairy Farmers Dump Enough Excess Milk to Fill An …

https://www.newsweek.com › U.S. › Coronavirus › Florida
16 hours ago

On April 1, about 135 milk tankers dumped roughly 800,000 gallons of milk from 70 local farms, the Times …


Coronavirus forces Florida farmers to trash produce they can’t …

https://www.miamiherald.com › news › coronavirus › article241627101
Mar 31, 2020

Unlike flour or sugar, fruits and vegetables must be harvested, boxed, … to dump their crops that went …

Since the supply chain line is breaking down from this – processing plants are down in production by 15-20% from Tyson to Cargill two of the biggest meat processors in USA and Fresh produce.

Cargill shutters processing plant due to coronavirus concerns


Did you know they are dumping milk and TELLING DAIRY FARMERS TO GET RID OF THEIR STOCK?? NO and why CORONA – a bit of a hidden agenda here to move away from meat backed by some big money peeps – Gates being numero uno!!! SOB – he is not the savior but a egomaniac that wants to control us in sub-diversion levels and underground ways.

Ummm food issues upcoming??



AND ON TOP OF THIS LOOK AT THE FLOODING FORECAST TO OUR FARMLANDS. May not look like much but on top of late hard freezes and flooding we lose a fair amount of our food production land AND an early frost and freeze which looks likely (I looked into my crystal snow globe LOL!) it is showing this.

Start a garden peeps but seeds are coming hard to come by for growing. I just spent $75 of fruits and veggies at a farm stand. Not risking being with the masses for another 2-3 weeks with my underlying health condition (cancer survivor!).

Hcane Forecast Update

From JB at WxBell and as I said earlier this month it could be an active one.

Here is the map of areas of highest probability of a hit or being affected – beach erosion, rains, winds, rip tides, coastal flooding: Orangy areas are the locations of possible impact!

This would be an absolute this:


FACT CHECK: Is It Possible to Kill a Man With a Swift Kick to the ...

If we get one up into this region.

ID 20 20 ??

It is basically chipping all humans to see our health and vaccinations



Who is behind this? Who else but Gates and the Rockefeller’s – see the pattern here people in Gates??

Bill Gates is backing ID2020 vaccine and digital ID tattoo/vaccine tracking? He will make billions off this too

So what does this mean is that if implemented they will have scanners to see if you have had the flu shot, COVID Vaccination Shot etc to travel – fly, trains, ships etc. So some might say well this is good but it is anoterh way of controlling the masses. I bet dollars to doughnuts the “Hats” from Lakewood. KJ, Brooklyn and Muncie will have a religious exemption to this. Book it on that and why? They put Cuomo, Schumer and Clinton all in office among others This is forceful way of making you take teh vaccination that you may refuse, not believe in and need.

BEWARE this is coming down the pike. Dr. Fauci is a BIG believer in this (my trust wanes in him with this info, sorry peeps!)

China in Africa

Kudos to my son (Chives)who has been intrigued by this and done his own research on this. China is making MASSIVE  INFRASTRUCTURE upgrades to many African Nations. Sounds good right? Well on the surface maybe big dig deeper into the soil, get your fricking hands dirty and you’ll see it’s bad real bad!! Why?

China’s population is to be doubled by 2050 so how are they going to feed 2 billion plus people? They are looking to the plush land in Africa and all of its resources. It is the China of the late 1900’s or the America of the 1800’s. Rich in resources – ore’s, copper, silver,  GOLD, Platinum, Oil, farmlands and crops!! Everything they need and they are moving million of people in their to set thing sup.

Also, this is Neocolonialism at its best (Definition – the use of economic, political, cultural, or other pressures to control or influence other countries, especially former dependencies).

So African countries don’t have teh $$$ to pay for these projects to upgrade their electrical grid and power plants, water and sewage plants , roads and bridges, airports, railways, shipping ports and telecom so how does China get paid back?? The oldest way known to man – ……………….LAND and POWER!! China will have six yes 6 extra votes in the UN in the next year – meaning they’ll have 7 votes – POWER!! NOT to mention they’ll start to control some of the precious resources in teh world – Metals, Oil and Farmland!!

http://he use of economic, political, cultural, or other pressures to control or influence other countries, especially former dependencies.

More weather Storm by my Spotter in NYC Mimi M!! =

BOOM Event 2019

Winds and cold sweeping in with a nice rebound for Easter and then again after Monday’s rain the arctic last gasp of winter swing in.


Be safe and healthy. Vitamin D and C peeps!!


Updates to come. Be prepared not scared!!



Al Mugno
By Al Mugno April 9, 2020 14:47

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