Friday Snow,HIGH WINDS = POWER OUTAGES?, COVID, SUPPLY ISSUES, Dr. Brad, Dr. Shiva, Cruise Lines, Krakatoa Crackin’ – Shakers and Puffers

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno April 11, 2020 21:41


Happy Easter peeps.

Friday Snow

Friday was more like December – cold and crazy winds!! And it snowed 3x here in H’dale two where squall like bursts for a good few minutes. This is April 10th folks!!! And it was the warmest temperature I have EVER seen whilst snowing – it was snowing at 45 -47 degrees!!!!!! That is a full 10 degree’s above the surface temperatures for snow!!! INCREDIBLE!!

Cold again tonight


WINDS 35-50 MPH Sustained and wind gusts 55-70mph+ along teh coast

Rains 1-2″ – flooding possible

Minor Coastal Flooding possible

Peeps this is going to be extraordinary and take warning to this. We will see Tropical Force sustained winds to possible Hurricane Force Gusts!! BATTIN’ DOWN THE HATCHES!! Get the generator ready just in case – get gas and why?? ITS SO CHEAP!! LOL. That was in my last write up if yuo read it.


Could see some leading bands of WAA showers Sunday night ahead of the approaching storm, while S winds slowly increase and temps remain steady or slowly rise. Strongest winds expected late AM into the afternoon on Monday as an 85-90kt H9 LLJ develops.Β GFS/NAM MOS guidance winds at KJFK both show sustained winds over 40 kt by 18Z Mon, some of the highest ever seen there outside of tropical cyclones.Β Looking at wind gusts, model soundings show typical model biases in play, with the NAM too inverted over land and the GFS too well mixed. Split the difference via a 2:1 NAM/GFS blend, as the NAM shows a little more focused LLJ toward the coast, and modified temps/mixing heights using MOS guidance hourly temps. This yields wind gusts 65-70 mph at the coast, and as high as 60-65 mph inland, mainly the higher elevations and exposed areas such as along the Hudson River. Can not totally rule out isolated 75-80 mph gusts across Long Island and coastal SE CT

Heavy rains 1 – 2″ for the area

Is this April or December ?? Lows at night Tuesday:

Wed – Flakes again?

Friday the 17th – well Thursday night lows

Friday Night again



Well Gov Cuomo had it out with DeBlasio today over teh closing announcements of NYC Schools. DeBlasio is teh same person who said that on March 14th NYC did not need to shut down the schools they are a vital part of the city that needs to operate. Furthermore, he stated on March the that NYC will not shut down and NYC folks are to go to movies, go to dinner, go out and keep doing what you usually do. He had the information from the CDC and from the state Dept of Health as his own DOH but he refused to listen, he knew better. COVIDIOT is DeBlasio!!!

We are leveling off overall in our area and peeps after looking at stats and projections we should be back in about 3 -4 more weeks with businesses opening up and probably schools at this time. The social distancing is working as it has in other countries.




Some Counties have literally no cases in this state but remain under Quarantine. I think those should start to open in another 10-14 days. There really is no reason not to. Hot spots need more time like 3 weeks at best.

For some funny



Peeps I know I have been harping but for the LOVE OF GOD listen!! The supply chain is breaking down. They are starting to close slaughterhouses called processing plants and meat, poultry and diary products are going to be hard to come by in a couple of weeks. Panic buying is going to set in once this hits the media and fan! Milk was dumped by the hundreds of thousands of gallons this week, Smithfield is closing its 3 processing plants (meat, pork & beef), Cargill is closing 2 plants and production is down 20% at its other 2 plants:















Milk, eggs, meats, butter, cream products, ice cream etc. all going to have a hard time finding in a few weeks and they will be rationed.

Looks at this line of folks looking to get free food from a pantry in San Antonio:

Article link:


Another in Cali


Dr. Brad

The best one yet!!

Dr. Shiva – this man at the age of 14 in 1978 invented….E.Mail!! He is an MIT PhD adn brilliant. watch and listen to this and it will get yuo thinking




Cruise Lines -Many may fold or consolidate after this. They can’t survive with a 100 day moratorium. The economic complications remain to be seen but another dark mark in this,


Krakatoa Crackin’ – Shakers and Puffers

Some big Puffers Blowing

Krak and Shivy go 7-9/10 miles up into the atmosphere



Shivey says I was first dude:


Get ready for a big storm Sunday night with winds how long again Monday with power outages likely. Just add insult to injury for us hunkered down!

Enjoy Easter peeps. Be safe adn stay healthy.





Al Mugno
By Al Mugno April 11, 2020 21:41

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