End of Summer and temps overall, Weekend & Next Week, Sun History, VID coming back, Winter and Nino, News You Can Use

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno August 24, 2023 19:25

Peeps, the summer is quickly coming to an end sadly. The shadows are getting longer, the nights too and the weather is cooling off temperature wise. Colleges are going back in session and so will other schools’ son as well like next week for some. What the hell ever happened to starting after Labor Day as the norm? Does anyone think two days before Labor Day vacation is going to make any educational difference? About 20% of the students aren’t even back from vacationing and other end of summer things. Anyway, I digress so let’s move on to the weather:

Temperatures for the continental United States are not what the media has portrayed at ALL!!!Again, fake news on their part with the weather to push their GW agenda which is a hoax, the climates always changing over time. So, let’s look at his map – blue is below normal temperatures, white is normal temperatures, orange colors are above normal temperatures. Over 80% of the land mass is normal to below normal by my eye, you agree?

Last 60 days



Weekend & Next Week

Friday looks to be a washout overall with t-storms in the morning until early afternoon then rainy through Friday night. Saturday looks to be nice, late summer weather. Sunday looks to be iffy with the euro saying rainy and the gfs saying clear. We watch next week as the tropics are waking from a slumber. There could be not one but 2 hcanes affecting the Gulf region.

Friday AM rain start about 3-4AM and runs through eveningish

Big Storms around 9-11AMish

About 1″ of rain

EUOR holds onto rainy weather through 1AM

One into Tex-ass and the other anywhere from Tampa Bay through the Big Bend Region of Fla. The latter one look to cross the state and come out into the Atlantic and possible help bring rains up this way middle to end of next week. The CMC model has been showing a closer to the coast than normal storm that would bring beach erosion, close beaches from rough surf, windy conditions and rainy conditions are all possible if it takes this track. Euro has it about 200 miles off the coast which would still bring rough surf, some erosion possible and windier conditions. Time will tell.


End of August looks to be a bit fall like with temps at night maybe hitting the upper 40’s in the ruburbs of PB, Titi and Magretto land. Guerci land along with rich and Carol may see low 40’s – brrrrr for late August!

Sun History

Great video talking about the solar flares that have struck earth and caused havoc in this video “Diamond” explains it all. Sadly, we are do for another high energy sun event near the Carrington event strength of 1859 or greater. October 2024 when the big gas giant planet forms a square around the Earth? Or will this be when the mega earthquakes and volcanoes erupt on earth. They are getting stronger and more frequent in events as I predicted years ago.


Vid coming back?

Say what? It is a flu virus that has been given a name to make it more important than any other flu virus we have seen since????? The sensationalization of this virus is incredible. If they go to masking again and lockdowns which I am hearing and reading about from a few sources their will be issues. Why? Cause we learned they don’t mean or do anything but HARM us. Is this part of the greater plan by the leaders of the WEF, Committee of 300, Cabal, Elites? Transfer the wealth more and crush the middle man and businesses to all corporate once and for all? Time will tell but keep an eye on this I’m telling you they have this ready to roll…. again.


Winter and Nino

We need the warm water to keep migrating west off South America and into the central equatorial pacific to have a bang bang winter around here after two terrible duds. It is cooperating so far and in the next 8 week we shall learn more about where we are heading this winter but models in the long range are looking good so far.

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August 2023 Observations and Discussion - Page 3 August10

Here is Nino 3.4:


This pattern would kick start winter bigly in……November!!!

News You Can Use

Updates to come.
Have a great day and weekend and keep the faith in God and his son Jesus for they will lead the way if we let them. Be thankful for all we have and keep the prayers going for PB and his beautiful wife Mary for a transplant and that it is a perfect match and successful procedure. It is in the big mans hands!
Al Mugno
By Al Mugno August 24, 2023 19:25

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