On the back of substantial Surface Mass Balance (SMB) gains since 2016 (which coincide with a stark drop in Earth’s average temperature), the Greenland ice sheet is increasing that trend of GROWTH in 2021.
Despite MSM obfuscations, vast regions of Greenland are currently gaining record levels of snow and ice.
Back on May 26, a single day gain of more than 12 gigatons was logged which sent the official SMB chart –courtesy of the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI)– into unprecedented territory.
The May 26 reading shot that blue line off the charts, literally:

According to the climate alarmists, the Greenland ice sheet should have melted into oblivion by now — yet here we are, posting record July gains which in turn are pushing this year’s balance above the 1981-2010 mean:
We’ve had some 40+ years of ‘catastrophic global warming’ now, but even the staunchest of climateers (like Mousekateers!)will still struggle to point to a single real-world observation that demonstrates its existence.
Deadly heat waves have ALWAYS occurred, as have hurricanes, as have extreme polar outbreaks — to now circumvent logic and ignore historical documentation in order to pin all these weather events on human CO2 emission is laughable.
Deaths due to climatological events and natural disasters are at an all-time low, yet the gullible masses keenly lap up the EOTW rhetoric spouted by the IPCC and their MSM lapdogs.
How about this??
While chilly summer lows up north aren’t particularly unusual, frost in July is a rare phenomenon, even across the northern stretches of Minnesota.
An Arctic air mass produced low temperatures in the 30s across much of northeast Minnesota on Thursday, reports mprnews.org.
The mercury plunged to 34F (1.1C) at Hibbing — a new record low.
While it fell as cold as 30F (-1.1C) at Brimson yesterday morning — also a new July 8 benchmark.
Below are a few other locales in and around NE Minnesota and NW Wisconsin that logged exceptional July lows on Thursday, data courtesy of National Weather Service Duluth:
SUPERIOR QD NO. 4 31F (-0.6C)
These exceptional summer chills are due to an Arctic front which rode unusually-far south on the back of a weak and wavy meridional jet stream flow (a phenomenon that is expected to intensify during times of low solar activity–such as the historically low output the sun has been seeing for the past decade-or-so).
No peeps from AL, Greta, Bronson, Biden, Harris, Barry, Roker the Joker, Huff the Bluff, or any other “climateer”!
This man is my HERO!! The founder of the Weather Channel!
This is scary and ridiculous and if you agree your freedoms will erode so fast you’ll be “what happened” or “how did this happen”?
French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday ordered all French health-care workers to get COVID-19 vaccine shots by Sept. 15 and urged all of his compatriots to get vaccinated as soon as possible, to fight resurgent infections that are threatening the country’s economic recovery.
In a televised address, Macron also mandated special COVID-19 passes for anyone who wants to go to a restaurant, shopping mall or hospital or get on a train or plane. To get a pass, people must have proof they’re fully vaccinated, recently recovered from the virus or have taken a fresh negative virus test.