- Today Wintry Mix Storm, Big Snow Dawg Barking Thursday??
- Winter Storm #4 and #5, Earth’s Rumbling
- Ice Ice baby verifies, Saddle Up Cowboys and Girls – YEEHAW!! USAID Really?
- Thursday Winter Storm, Pattern is ABSOLUTLETY LOADED – SUPER BOWL STORM
- Clipper Verifies, Vanilla Ice Baby = Thursday Winter Storm
- Historic Southern Snowstorm, Verment speaks, Clipper tonight, Thursday is Vanilla Ice Weather?
Double H’s, World Temps = Nil, ELSA, Taal says Mal!!
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Well we are in the roller coaster of the Grand Solar Minimum folks so get use to the wild swings in temperatures and weather. It will be this way for some time. Heat index of 115*, temperature was 98* here on Wednesday to a high of 66* here on Friday and a low temp of 57* at night. Imagine such temperature swings in winter??? Well it will happen (not 90’s but 40’s and then Kaboom the bottom falls out!).
After a Mensa Mensa 4th weekend – Friday and Saturday bad, Sunday turned it around from about noon onward to today.
Tuesday and Wednesday = Double H’s Heat and Humidity peeps – heck its summer not GW stop that.
Heat Index
From NWS in NY
Umm T-Rex maybe manana late afternoon nighttime – with gusty winds, torrential rains and hail in the NNJ, NYC, LHV region.
World Temps = NIL
There is nothing changing in teh world temps peeps. There is no hint of what Al, Greta the angry teen, Gates of Hell, Obama who bought a home south facing the ocean about 100 yards from the shoreline, Hiden Biden, or Prince Charles has to say.
The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for June, 2021 was -0.01 deg. C, down from the May, 2021 value of +0.08 deg. C.
Tis year we have had an even steven year world temps wise – highs and lows, 2020 was down about .2 C overall worldwide.
Thursday peeps and get ready for what could be a decent tropical system up this way.
There is cold front that is charging the way about that time on Thursday and if its faster it can sweep her out off the coast but NHC shifted the cone about 150 miles NW since its 6AM update. Word to wise – fire up teh generator to be safe than sorry. Hannah last year hit us for about 4 hours and knocked power out for days to some!! Don’t poo poo this or you will be poo out of luck!
Thursday about 8PM – on the Delmarva
2AM – at Jersey Shore as it rides up the coast and causes power, flooding and other issues
8AM Friday battering Long Island and pulling away
Friday temps mid 80’s
Saturday Temps – ;low 80’s
Taal says Mal
LOOK: Taal Volcano shows no sign of calming down as it continues to emit white smoke as seen from Laurel, Batangas.
On Sunday, the emission of sulfur dioxide from the volcano reached a new high of 22,628 tons a day, according to Phivolcs. | via @biancadava pic.twitter.com/REYPyHXnRT
— ABS-CBN News (@ABSCBNNews) July 4, 2021
Highest Volcanic SO2 Gas Emission Ever Recorded – Taal Volcano Thousands… https://t.co/cPFp9CRqvS via @YouTube
— Oppenheimer Ranch Project (@Diamondthedave) July 5, 2021
This video explains so much and saves me paragraphs of misspellings and grammatical errors!!! It will blow sooner than later and if it goes to a 5 or 6 then we’ll see some pretty heavy effects on our weather.
Surfside, FL Condo Collapse
No dont believe the hype but this is what actually brought the building down – if we investigated, examined each skyscraper in this great land we call America probably 1/3 would need structural repairs. Maybe more.
Cement is a fine powder that is an ingredient along with stone sand and water that creates CONCRETE which you can use reinforcing steel or rebar to allow it to have strength in tension and compression
Cement is a fine powder that is an ingredient along with stone sand and water that creates CONCRETE which you can use reinforcing steel or rebar to allow it to have strength in tension and compression. Concrete in saline environments must be reinforced with epoxy coated rebar. Salt migrates through the concrete and corrodes the steel. When it corrodes, it expands, spalling off the concrete.
It was MAN’s fault of what happened – it usually and almost every time is. Don’t build where you should not or try and play God as we do. Nature will win one way or another. She always has and will.
Peeps get ready for Thursday after two more sweltering days.
Updates to come.
Al Q