Cold in, cold out, rain in, rain out ……………so goes this winter

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno February 23, 2019 15:05


Not a bad call for Wednesdays storm – off on the time started about an hour sooner that anticipated but I recorded 1.5″ of white gold and sleet and .15″ of ice – that was bad. Many ED’s called and rightfully so but wth id wrong with our governor?? A SOE (State of Emergency)he calls every time they forecast snow my god these are gonna be the boy who cried wolf soon. When we really need to adhere to it the public will be naysayers and rightfully so. The last  two storms it has rained in SNJ and he put them under a SOE, for rain??? My god this is deplorable. These were used for Blizzards and Tropical Storms that would be crippling to the state not a very low-end snowstorm!

This winter for us has been a road of broken dreams – always 5-10 days away and then nada. It had so much promise but a few things de railed it – one being the Sudden Stratospheric Warming event known as a SSW – it was to crush us from later Jan through mid/late February from all indices and forecasts. It never was able to down well from 35K feet to our level and so it did split into Ghidora as I stated back in late December we never really felt its full effect. That glimpse of this was the snow squall and intense cold we had back in January.

This along with the MJO phases being warm – this comes from the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific tropical region of this vast ocean never allowed the convection of thunderstorms our there to get into what is called the called phases. Sounds crazy that these two weather phenomena could wreck our patter here. Yes its true BUT for the rest of this country – winter has been unreal – brutal cold and snow – heck it snowed 2x in Vegas this week and Flagstaff Arizona recorded 3′ of snow – more than Basstan and NYC combined!!!


It snowed in LA this week and in the desert also in Hawaii at 3K feet which is one the lowest recorded altitude ever there. Why, low solar and our climatological patterns are changing due to this hence the true, real climate change (right Kurt R?!). No not by man, sorry, there was more CO2 in our atmosphere and carbon during the last massive ice age and cooling periods and now and the temps were MUCH colder than as there was about 2500 feet of ice over my head where I sit right now!! Charts, tree rings and ice cores from Greenland, the Arctic and Antarctic all show this. Green is the CO2 and the red is the temperatures going back hundreds of millions of years

Related image


Many climate scientists are starting to change their tunes on this topic and are saying this Theory has no real substance, yes it is a theory not a scientific law but the media and powers that be (aka Al  Gore, Bill Nye and he is not a scientist but a frickin’ actor who acts as a scientist hmmm ……….Hollywood at it again!) inform you that it is. That what happens when we don’t know enough, not educated enough about this topic, we believe what they tell us cause they do it in a convincing manner.

Check out this link on Bill Nye:  

He holds a bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering!!!

Anyway, rain again tonight into tomorrow morning about 1″ and then it gets very windy and blustery as yuo guessed it the cold air comes in on the backside.

Ice in the Hudson Valley to start tonight so up there be careful. Blizzard in Wisconsin:


Winds – 20 -30 MPH with possible gusts up to 40 maybe 50 for some parts of the area mainly SNJ can see higher gusts.

Power outages are possible.

Rains should be out of here by about 10-11AM ish tomorrow morning.

Another missed opportunity peeps. I am so disappointed with this winter and I wasn’t hyping it, it just never came together as I and many pros saw it (not saying I am a pro but I follow a few of them that are excellent, until this year!!)

March will come in like a lion with cold and 2-3 storm opportunities and end like a lamb!!

Have a great day.


Al Q





Al Mugno
By Al Mugno February 23, 2019 15:05

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