Changes are a comin’!! THREE’S

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno October 25, 2017 21:17


Had many issues with my site uploading and figured it out. Technical issues can be frustrating as we all know and sorry for the delay in my posting. Plug in updates, anti spam filters, etc.

We will go more fall like for the next week and then early winter like as we head into the early part, first third of Bro-vember or Moe-vember as it has been called recently.

There is a signal for a decent to big storm for the anniversary day not date of this famous character Image result for sandy from spongebob.

The person I owe the credit for turning me and my family onto Spongebob was none other than Vickie W. Love ya Vickster!!

Okay say what you say?? Yes, there is so much in this transition phase of our atmosphere this time of year that we will see storms and temperature gradients of 60’s near the coast and city to upper 40’s in NW NJ possibly.

Anyway, we shall break the record for the warmest October or Rocktober as I like to call it on record dating.  Why you ask me? Good question, we had several tropical systems that were massive in size and very deep pump a tremendous amount of latent heat that has been building up in the HOTlantic Ocean for the past decade plus up this way. Also, we had a major Aleutian trough sit in the Gulf of Alaska and this enhanced the downstream effects on our pattern causing the Bermuda High to pump along with the hcanes.


Mr. Nor’easter Mr. Frost and Mr. Freeze

This is a great combo for the fall or we have had a lack there of so far BUT things are a changing. Fall weather is here and will go deeper into fall as we move into the first part of November.

Mr. Nor’easter is coming and it could be a serious storm if we get the full phase. The track seems to be just offshore at this time but the MJO (not AL Q mjo peeps – that comes in about 6 weeks with winter – yeahh babay!!) is going to a phase 8 which would argue for a big ridge in the west that would help pump the storm up the coast.  Also argues that it could come inland and if this were to occur with a full phase then we would have a major problem at the coast and inland with coastal flooding, beach erosion, river/stream flooding and power outages.


Timing Sunday into Monday and it would mark the 5th year anniversary of……………………..Sandra…………………………..AKA SANDY!!!!!!!!!

Mr Frost and Freeze

On the back side of this deep powerful storm we could see the first area wide frost and freeze and this looks to hold for the first week of November.

The recurving typhoons in the Pacific that travel past Japan and head up towards Alaska are helping jump start this pattern to a colder very late fall like and winter like for the Great Lakes region.



A sign of tings to come!

More to come.

Al Q


Al Mugno
By Al Mugno October 25, 2017 21:17

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