Bill is going to Rain on Father’s Day!
Trop Storm Bill’s remnants are coming and going to rain from Saturday late afternoon/evening until mid afternoon Sunday. he will bring with him the tropical moisture and humidity – lovely for my hair on my and many other’s special day – Father’s Day! Abut (as they say in Canada) 1″ to maybe 3″ of wetness and more as you go south from the NNJ area.
This going forward for the next couple of weeks – stuck in this pattern discussed below.
It’s hard to time it precisely this far ahead, but this pattern is not favorable for any long duration of good weather. It’s actually not favorable for any long duration of any weather. Though we can get stuck in a long duration overcast with warm fronts that do not get to our north (today). With the trough over the Great Lakes, the jet stream suppressed unusually far south for this time of year, systems move quickly from west to east in the flow. It’s one warm front/cold front sequence after another with hardly time to catch one’s breath with sunshine and dry weather in between. It certainly looks as though this continues through next Friday-Saturday, and possibly through the July 4th holiday weekend. It may last even longer than that. The only subtle change I see as a possibility as we get further down the road is that the trough may retrograde a little allowing for better height rises on the east coast as short waves move from west to east just a little further north. This could open up the door for slightly longer duration in the warm/humid sector/s as we move forward in time. Still, this pattern does not bring the kind of ridge that you like to see here for any extended period of beach weather. Boo hoo!!
Have a great day and to all you Father’s out there have a wonderful dad’s day. We are special people and so are the children we brought into this world who look up to us for love, guidance and support. Enjoy the day and here is an idea – watch a movie with the family in the morning – Field of Dreams, Mrs. Doubtfire, Father of the Bride, Lion King – tear jerkers if you read into the story line.
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