Been a while, Bookends, the “VID”

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno January 23, 2021 17:05


Been a while

Been a while yes it has and why I have not posted some may ask? Well, there was nothing to post about plain and simple it was dry and we had some cold and some days were warmer than average. We call this a no burger in the weather world.

Also, spending quality time with my sons before they went back to college where they belong in school like the rest of our school age kids.  NOT in virtual education,  that’s not education but “techno-cation”! Like that?



Lyncher your favorite book store!

Lyncher Report

Monday night late into Tuesday mid – morning snow storm


NNJ 2-4”

NWNJ -3-4” is more likely maybe up to 5”

CNJ – 2-3”

SNJ dusting to one inch

Impact: Rush hour Tuesday morning




RGEM = Canadians (B0y are they pissed at Biden for nixing the XL Pipeline – cost them and us a total of 11,000 jobs and the trickle down effect is going to be greater not to mention $3 gas by the end of February and any further such measures by this administration we’ll be paying $4 by summer!!)

PSAT’s at our school maybe postponed one again!! 3x a charm. Maybe some closing if not a virtual school for some.

Thursday into Friday snowstorm potential – now this has the ear mark of what could be a major snowstorm. The Mon/Tuesday storm will dictate what happens for Thursday/Friday. There may be another one next Monday and Tuesday to open up February.

THURS/FRI – is very close like 75 miles from being a BOMB!


PCR test as I have been harping on since July sharing articles from the NYT and other sources saying it does not and cannot detect positive COVID cases.

Article I shared in August:

It should never have been used and its inventor yes its inventor in an interview in 2019 said that it should NEVER be used for COVID like versus – Yes, Karry Mullins said this. I share the video here as well as more information.

Video link:

So what does this mean? It means the 24 million worldwide POSITIVE cases that caused many, maybe even you, to freak the freak and you were had plain and simple. You bought into a propaganda – they KNEW about this many years ago but still used it. Heck, they lowered the cycle testing protocol that I wrote about back then as well from 35 -40 cycles to more reasonable viral load testing level of 25-30. This would in itself cancel about ½ to 2/3 of ALL positive cases, maybe more!!! As well as decrease the number of deaths by the said amounts!!!! 

Can you see it better now?

Here is the information:


“This 40 cycle protocol, which multiplies samples by 1 trillion times, is currently used by the vast majority of testing outlets and hospitals. However, Doctor Shawn Ferullo from MIT said if your test is truly positive at the 40th cycle, your viral load is “so low that you are not infections and cannot spread the virus to other people.”

And this from Duke and UNC –


“nearly 100,000 staff and students, there were no instances of children passing the coronavirus to adults during in-person instruction. Researchers found just 32 cases of either kid-to-kid or adult-to-adult coronavirus transmission over nine weeks.”

PCR positive is no longer = Covid. You are not Covid now unless you get a second test to confirm it, and are presenting clinical symptoms. We shall see what the net impact of this indeed is. Released 20/21 Jan 2020


You need to watch David Martin who he will explain who he is in the videos. He has a PhD and invented a system that is sued for certifying research of patents in the business but more so medical world and was a researcher in the Big Pharma world many years.

Enjoy the videos it is amazingly informative and infuriating to learn and see: – 7 minutes – 30 minutes – he explains what the vaccination actually is scientifically and that it is a false deceptive scientific entity.

I have been told by a few that I do not know what I am talking about butt I ask – did you research this? Then cite to me what and who so I may be educated further, IF NOT well you are being and emotional sheep and will be led by these aristocratic. Power hungry, totalitarians who could give a rats behind about you again plain and simple.

Sorry but the fear and panic is really and has been over for quite some time. If you are a healthy human being, you will be fine. If underlying issues and over 70 self-responsibilities by taking precautions. I was born during the Great Hong Kong Flu (coronavirus strain) in a hospital that had patients and did they take precautions? They put them on their own floor but my father came to see me as did my grandparents and family. My mother did not shutter in our house for months in fear with three little kids but went about daily life and how many died (not these inflated liberal methods of counting deaths today) – 1million between 1969-70.  Sorry get on with life for we have this opportunity once, one time peeps so enjoy it.


Have a great night.

Updates to come.


Al Q

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno January 23, 2021 17:05

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