- Today Wintry Mix Storm, Big Snow Dawg Barking Thursday??
- Winter Storm #4 and #5, Earth’s Rumbling
- Ice Ice baby verifies, Saddle Up Cowboys and Girls – YEEHAW!! USAID Really?
- Thursday Winter Storm, Pattern is ABSOLUTLETY LOADED – SUPER BOWL STORM
- Clipper Verifies, Vanilla Ice Baby = Thursday Winter Storm
- Historic Southern Snowstorm, Verment speaks, Clipper tonight, Thursday is Vanilla Ice Weather?
Back Baby!!, Tropics ain’t ovar, Records broken, FLIP, VID SDS, Economy, November to Remember
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Back Baby!!
Last post was Oct 18th and warning of the next few weeks of Mr. Frosty and Freeze!! And I am back after a slight hiatus and the last time we ever turn the clocks back, fall back that is? From what I have read yes!!!
These tandem hit my area with 5 frosts and 1 freeze, just N and W had 3 freezes and 2 frost and some in the ruburbs had 4 freezes and 6 frosts!! Pretty unprecedented for this time of year. And it’s going to ramp up.
Tropics ain’t ovar
Well just when you thought we were out of the woods and those that poo poo Ian and my call were knocked down bigly. You see peeps, I am not an end of the world forecaster, do I get excited over such storms absolutely but I look at all parameters to the best of my learned abilities and intuition senses at times – you know the sixth sense we all have that we tap or it comes to us at certain times? My idea is being prepared or prepare for Failure and we do not want that now!! So this next storm is either going to rake the Florida SE coast and ride the Eastern seaboard, East Coast up here – the I 95 train express or its going to make landfall into the SE Florida Coast and then reemerge out over the Norther Fla/Ga Border and ride up the Coast. This has the earmarks of an unprecedented storm for its strength and track at this time and I would say to those in S. Fla’s East Coast to start to get some things in order. It will make its way up here next Friday and Saturday. Could be Tropical or worse a strong hybrid Nor’easter!!! Jersey shore keep an eye on this you do not want the hybrid storm aka remember Sandy?? NOT THAT THIS IS THAT BUT IT WAS A HYBRID STORM!!
Peeps in SE Florida start preparations – this is going to surprise the shit out o fmany – stop the it isn’t going to be that bad talk, you fools!!! Look what happened with Michael and Ian – learn from the past or your doomed to repeat the same mistakes!!
CAT 1 Hcane maybe 2 moderate
Records broken
Cold and Snow in the West, Tropical Cyclone the furthers North in the North Atlantic since the great Greenland Viking Settlement 600 years ago (or so they say LOL) and yes warmth. This is all due to Meridional Jet Structure which is a more North to South Jet Flow. So it is pulling warm air up from the Southern area and tropics at times and cold air down from the arctic. One side of the US is cold while the other is warm. This happened in Rocktober for us on the East Coast with cold and lake effects snows records broken and the west coast was broiling!!
It snowed in Brazil in November the other day.
It probably did snow in November in the 1700s and 1800s at the end of the Little Ice Age, but hasn't been observed in the past 120-150 years.
Antarctic cold front blasted South America to Equator.https://t.co/uxieBS4LP5
— Ryan Maue (@RyanMaue) November 3, 2022
The size of different Tsunamis put into context. pic.twitter.com/vjfQilab59
— Fascinating (@fasc1nate) November 2, 2022
Hurricane Martin was downgraded from a Category 1 hurricane to an Extratropical storm at 49°N. As of now, this makes Martin the northernmost November hurricane ever recorded in the ATL, surpassing Hurricane Lois in 1966, at 46.4°N. pic.twitter.com/GRwBrn772s
— Michael Ferragamo (@FerragamoWx) November 3, 2022
Very impressive and widespread cool weather in South America and Australia right now.
These anomaly maps show how much warmer or cooler it is compared to average.
🔵 = cooler than average
🔴 = warmer than average pic.twitter.com/2Z6mWuYYte— Scott Duncan (@ScottDuncanWX) October 31, 2022
Pattern Flip incoming bigly for almost the entire country as we go cold and for the warm mongering governmental (yes they are mental in their ideologies and agendas) agency NOAA to post this is remarkable!! Temp flip around mid weekish but the big kahuna comes in next weekend and next week. This looks to have some staying power. The reason being is because of the weather systems setting up thousands of miles away – Alaska, Tropical Pacific and Asia, yes those areas have great effects on our weather patterns and weather here.
Okay, if you have not awoken yet to all the young people suddenly dying of heart attacks and strokes (I now know of at least 5) and the labeling of SDS as if it were nothing or the early 1900’s when many young passed but from illnesses not VID Shot induced heart attacks then you need to stop watching MSM and follow third party sources – Epoch Times, The Hill. NYT times is not going to blow this up. It is amazing that we have over 31K that have died from the shot as documented in the VAERS report that only 1-10% at the literal most will ever report of those such deaths but we are not looking at this? People just dropping dead and folks conjure up why not looking at a commonality they all have had …….THE SHOTS!! Those who admonished others for not taking it and called them horrible names that were evil need a dose of reality and this is sadly it. But many will never admit to it, it’s a mass psychosis the Media, Big Pharma, the Evil Cabal have formulated and implemented. Expose the Deception…….Reveal the Truth!!! God will do so and you better pay attention, he is not happy with his people!!
Drs followed blindly and killed many!!
Dr Mike Yeadon"Doctors were payed to put people on ventilators"
90% of the people died in 10 days.. pic.twitter.com/al5R8i3wVB— .. (@Xx17965797N) November 6, 2022
Really and you stand by this shot?? I pray for you
Scots Footballer, DEAD at 16…
Matthew Dunn, from Dumfries, passed away "SUDDENLY"…
Played for Lochar Thistle Youths, based in nearby Heathhall, Dumfriesshire…
Scottish Youth FA South West Region also paid tribute…
– Daily Record
— Dr. James E. Olsson (@DrJamesOlsson) November 4, 2022
Kansas Area Teacher, DEAD at 41…
Ray-Pec school district Teacher Paul Lichtenauer was cycling on Rock Island Trail in Raytown, when he "SUDDENLY COLLAPSED"…
"He was the youngest. He was the fittest. This shouldn’t be happening.” said Melissa Allen…
– KCTV Kansas City
— Dr. James E. Olsson (@DrJamesOlsson) November 2, 2022
Too many of these lately
"Her husband, Eric Powell, said the cause was cardiac arrest."https://t.co/WQECI1rTif
— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) November 1, 2022
NFL Coach Adam Zimmer, Dead at 38…
Had been working as an offensive analyst for the Cincinnati Bengals this season…
Worked for the Kansas City Chiefs and New Orleans Saints prior to that…
– Larry Brown Sports
— Dr. James E. Olsson (@DrJamesOlsson) November 1, 2022
/13 Read more now ⤵️https://t.co/sz3ycMZ3zj
— America First Legal (@America1stLegal) November 3, 2022
Swedish study of MRNA AND DNA
⚠️‼️⚠️‼️⚠️‼️⚠️‼️⚠️‼️ pic.twitter.com/PCEfpd9qvz— .. (@Xx17965797N) November 4, 2022
UK government data reveals the triple vaccinated make up 91% of all COVID deaths this year, and fully vaccinated make up 90% of COVID deaths since 2021. pic.twitter.com/5EC7PT3c4q
— Pearson Sharp (@PearsonSharp) November 1, 2022
Diesel fuel shortage incoming I do not buy but would not put it pass this administration to create a crisis they would then blame on the big fossil fuel industry and then solve so as to look as the white knights. Bull, they are all in bed and playing everyone with this.
Source: https://t.co/BnXmldsu5Thttps://t.co/Zk1D4klrVb
SEC. 24220.https://t.co/ihcsTP5JYO
— Harrison (@HarrisonKrank) November 1, 2022
Gas prices anyone notice last week to this week the jump?? We went from $3.25 on Oct 29th to $3.85 this Friday a 20% jump in 6 days.
Gold and Silver taking off as will Copper. Pick some up (coins) cause the elites have and if you want some security follow them!!
WOW the stock market is coming back yeahhhhh…. WRONG bigly!! It’s a prop for before the election by the FED and elites who want certain individuals and a party to win!!! Its all a facade. Get out before you lose everything. Keep believing this mantra of the economy is good and evil will overtake you. This market is a house of cards right now just wait in the days ahead and you’ll see.
You say it cant happen here – THINK AGAIN!!
November to Remember – that it will be and why?? The election, I pray the good, God loving people win (and they will!!), the weather extremes and natural phenomena to happen. There are going to be major surprises this election and the same holds with the weather. We may even see a major natural phenomenon as well – comets, earthquake, volcanoes.

Winter Analogy Maps
Peeps I see what could be a major winter incoming for the NH to the likes we have seen in 2003-04 even as recently as 2014-15 due to many different factors BUT one that is the wildcard…. the Hunga Tonga volcanic explosions effects! This massive volcanic explosion was a 6 on the VEI – Volcanic Explosive Scale that reaches an 8 being the most extreme, let that sink in. The massive amounts of water vapor and sediments, particulates that were sent up to the stratosphere and even reached the mesosphere but nothing from science or MSM, they are saying it will warm the planet – ARE THEY OUR OF THEIR FRIGGIN MIDS!!!! NO FN VOLCANOE IN OUR EARTHS HISTORY HAS EVER CASUED A WARMING!!!! THIS IS LUDICROUSY!
Here’s a composite of DJF temperatures over the US in winters following a November in which a sub-940mb low developed in the North Atlantic. #wxtwitter https://t.co/sLxClLpFmY pic.twitter.com/PtzuKxvd6K
— Mark Margavage (@MeteoMark) November 5, 2022
Your woke blue cities!!
Homeless NY residents speak out about illegals getting treated better
The homeless shelter is a few yards away from the migrant center
Look at the difference: pic.twitter.com/2PKmr6itHE
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 4, 2022
Good morning. Shoplifters put my local Rite Aid — really one of the few drug stores/pharmacies near my apartment — completely out of business. It will shut down on Monday. pic.twitter.com/cUTxgmraW2
— Zachary Kussin (@zacharykussin) November 4, 2022
Classic – Me want Cookie!!!
Sesame Street did some really great shit back in the day. This bit is pure gold. Enjoy.
— Super 70s Sports (@Super70sSports) November 4, 2022
— .. (@Xx17965797N) November 1, 2022
More updates to come!! Be safe, and get out and vote for the good of this Republic and lets keep it that way. God Bless you and your family and this geat country. We need to take back America from the evil that is in powers across this great land.
Al Q