Freeze watch
Peeps First Freeze Watch Tonight even though I had one 10 days ago, what the heck? Enlarge this imageClick to see fullsize Nicole – Friday afternoon thorugh Saturday Afternoon Rains 2-4″ WInds 15-25 mph with gusts upwards of
Peeps First Freeze Watch Tonight even though I had one 10 days ago, what the heck? Enlarge this imageClick to see fullsize Nicole – Friday afternoon thorugh Saturday Afternoon Rains 2-4″ WInds 15-25 mph with gusts upwards of
PEEPS!!!!!!! Back Baby!! Last post was Oct 18th and warning of the next few weeks of Mr. Frosty and Freeze!! And I am back after a slight hiatus and the last time we ever turn the clocks back, fall back
Peeps, Well I said on Oct 2nd that Mr. Frost and Freeze would be coming to the ruburbs an dit did just that. Now this dynamic duo is coming to the burbs, the cities UHI (Urban Heat Island) contaminants this
Peeps, I do not take solace nor beat my chest when I write about these destructive storms but it is a message to help warn and help people prepare. If it misses when then God Bless, but when it doesn’t
Peeps, This bad boy means business and it isn’t until the day before that people will say oh SH_T its gonna be bad. There are some that are hunkering down, I hope it’s not their last time for such.
Peeps, As I have been texted my inner circle of family and friends about Ian that he would be a major and that landfall will be anywhere between Naples and Tamps/Ft Myers Fla. I said this on Saturday. The models
Peeps, RR Strike Averted Thank goodness they came to an agreement to prevent which would have been an absolutely tough situation if the RR workers went on strike which preparations were being made for some many thought it was going
Peeps, Railroad Strike Imminent! 28% of our goods – grains, vegetables, coal, oil, petrochemicals, livestock, minerals and other goods are shipped via Railroad!! That means over 1/4 of our goods will come to a screeching halt on friday if
Peeps, Well it certainly has been cooler the last few days with the rain temperature wise. Yes it was humid, like the majority of this summer once the Western Atlantic Ridge took over in the middle of July. Rain So
Peeps, Drought The drought is continuing for major part of our area and in Europe no if and buts about it. We need a tropical system to help alleviate this. Focused on our area Here is the link to