Snow to Rain, Hunga Tonga Explosion, CO2 Error, Cold and Stormy Pattern, 5%?

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno January 16, 2022 13:25


Good morning on this Sunday the 16th.


It is remarkable how we get the notable storms always around MLK day of observance? 1994- massive ice storm, 2014, snowstorm, 2015 snowstorm, 2018 snowstorm with arctic chills that followed each. 2022 well a snow to ice to rain event. Hong Tonga Volcano had a massive VEI 5 I would say at this point in the South Pacific that was heard and felt hundreds of mile, well thousands of miles away as per instrumentation readings. This may have an effect in the next 12-16 months on our weather pattern. Time will tell. After the storm passes today that had so much promise as of Tuesday for a big snowstorm, arctic air pours in and grips a hold on our region and that is the 1st ingredient and very important one to getting snowstorms. The storms will be available to dance with the STJ – sub tropical jet or split flow coming alive in the heart of winter. How long will it last is anyone’s guess but my man Rb from our wx board says through February – the snowiest month of winter!! Dr. David Dilley presented to our NJWO group Thursday night and it was phenomenal. He just received a paper Wednesday about the massive error in the IIPC and NOAA’s calculations of CO2 in our atmosphere. These three authored scientist who published it are getting some views by the skeptics and is very sound and proves the errors which makes massive changes to the brainwashed agenda that is being told and sadly taught!! 5% of all VID deaths are from the virus Sars Cov2 directly or just about as per CDC latest not with as they have been roosting the public with. That’s enough. On with the show.

Snow to Rain

Snow comes in tonight from SW to NE from 5-7PMish from latest on the models, snows for about 5-7 hrs from SW to NE snowing longer in the colder locations like Pb land, Titi and Uncle Mike summer abode, Magrettoville, nieces you know the ruburbs and Highlands Region of this once beautiful state that we are building crazy in, no??

Snow to ice for a small while of an hourish or three (NW NJ this is) to rain as temps go from 2* this morning here to 44* by tomorrow late morning then crashes back down as snow showers wrap back around the system as it pulls away maybe bringing an inch more of white gold if it can stick.


Amounts NNJ

NW BC 2-4” Paramus N

S BC 1-3” River Edge S

NYC Trace -1”

NW NJ – Wayne through to High point 3-7”

SW CT – coast trace to rain as yuo move away 1-3″ then brief ice then all rain

Winds will gust 25-25 mph sustained and with gusts over 40mph

Midnight tonight

Moisture being pulled from the Bahamans Maan!

Momentum building for possible storm on JAN 16th? - Page 18 Ecmwf-91

Radar so disheartening that SC will get more snow than us!! From Qtown at 33 N Rain Wx Board







Hunga Tonga Explosion

Folks incredible explosion heard very loud on Fiji Island which was 400 miles away, tsunamis everywhere along the Pacific Rim – British Columbia to Peru to New Zealand and Aussie land. Hmm remember my predictions? Well not mine but God above peeps. And he isn’t done yet.

West Coast can see a major EQ this year and the volcanoes aren’t done either. Coronal Mass Ejections are bombarding our planet from the sun aiding in this. Think about Tambura in 1815, the year without a summer was 10x greater than this explosion and instrumentation as far as our home state of NJ [picked up on this as did NC!!!!!!!

So what affects will this have on our weather? Great question and it will be a great study to see the results. We can project all we want BUT know that it will take anywhere from 6-16 months for this to start having major affects not regional. Cooling the atmosphere is a sign of this. The amount of ash, dust and sulfur gas and particulates ejected will tell. Heck it’s still erupting and a 5.8 EG was felt on the islands nearby when it went………. BOOM!!




 CO2 Error

From Dr. Dilley’s presentation that was taped so when it gets published I will share but the error is major and it is fascinating to hear such information as an educator, weather weenie and major skeptic of this global warming, I do not agree with the why to the what. Natural CO2 is 77-80% and manmade is the rest as they show. We should not pollute our planet but tell that to DiCaprio, Gore the climate monger bore, and the rest of the Do as I say not as I do elites and minions.

Part of it


Cold and Stormy Pattern

Snow Princess and Queen – I am sure SQ is pissed about tonight into tomorrow but nothing we can do. The pattern is shaping up nicely and IF it verifies we may have a very active period of this coming weekend for Fridayish and Mondayish and then Next Thurdayish for storms.

Still calling for a crippling snowstorm to hit NYC, well the Big Man upstairs said so!!



The hole house is crumbling on this and many will be shocked, and awakened from the paralyzing trans they have been in from the television – where you are told what the vision is, get that one??

Masks aren’t effective against this, and its all bout control. Listen to Klaus Schwab and you think it’s the Nazi regime reincarnated. The global cabal will lash out when they see good and rationale thinking is wining like the vax mandate, still perplexed on the decision not to allow health acre professionals who deal with this and know this better than many not to make a call for themselves. So let’s fire 40k nationwide for refusing their right as a human and then we can have major staffing issues at hospitals and then come on TV and whine and blame them. See the twist to this? Like the auto mechanic not being able to fix your brakes because of some mandate.


Al Mugno
By Al Mugno January 16, 2022 13:25

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