12-9-20 – OVERPERFORMER!!, Winter Sign? Strong CME from the Sun, The Overlapping Cycles, Vaccine Isn’t So Clean!

Al Mugno
By Al Mugno December 9, 2020 20:42




This was such an over performer for many in NNJ that we were supposed to ONLY get about .5 in the NW Hills and they received that and some more. Many locals reported 1-1.3” of white gold – what an over performer. Here in H’dale we had 4 hours of steady snow that if it snowed when it was originally modelled for the morning hours it would have easily accumulated around here. BUT it was great to see and is priming this winter weenie for what may come.

From 33 & Rain and NJ WxStrong Weather Sites


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Snow Princes and Queen are with me on this!



 Winter Signs?

The last few days we are seeing some very good signs for next week and the Xmas week beyond at this time. Why? Well there are many factors at play BUT one factor is low solar activity since 2017 basically that has a long term effect on the planet. Some models are showing a Polar Vortex Split with one piece coming to our side of the world and another going over to Scandinavia region. IF this and I stress IF this were to occur then we would have a prolonged period of very wintry weather with possible very cold arctic waves.

Here is the post:

Eric Webb has posted
Unlike many -NAO/+EPOs, the one that’s showing up in the longer term might have easier access to Arctic air if the -NAO hangs around past mid-December.

A -WPO this week will seed Alaska & NW Canada w/ cold air from NE Siberia, the coldest place in the N hem during boreal winter

These maps are very encouraging
WPO that would pump and drive teh Siberian express into CANADA and then into the CONUS. Freeze Canada and I’ll take my chances!

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Peeps this is extremely encouraging and you can see the freezer in AK and into Western Canada – that flow is good sign.

AO Diving Negative

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NAO as well

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PNA hanging around Neutral

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GEFS says I’, lock in step with you EURO

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PNA – N to Positive = even better

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EURO – XMAS EVE – A good look overall look with the AO and NAO block and PNA rising

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GEFS says BOOM BOOM – LOL I know 15 days out but it is a good look

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Strong CME from the Sun

The Sun is alive and bombarding our planet with its cosmic rays and not coronal mass ejection that sent a stream of highly charged proton particles at us. This will cause an uptick in Volcanoes and EQ seismic activity.

Geomagnetic storm tonight G3 level – here’s the chart – you maybe able to see this natural beauty!!

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 The Overlapping Cycles

David DuBuyne video is awesome explaining these numerous cycles that are all converging on us at this time. 11, 44, 100, 200, 400, 800, 11,500 plus year cycles – peeps lots of extremes will be coming for us weather wise so be PREPARED NOT SCARED.

11 minute video



 Vaccine Ain’t So Clean

Speaking of scared, the MSM is just being ridiculous with COVID and saying our death tolls will be more that last spring as I watched on Channel 2,4,7 – really?? There is no more heart attack, cancers, stroke, accidental, pneumonia or flu deaths – IT’s ALL COVID. This is the truth but I know it may fall on some deaf ears and blinders. Believe what you may but the “science” is not so true or proven.

The vaccination has not been tested on any humans in trials which is a AMSSIVE problem. There will be unwarranted deaths and health issues that people will get from these vaccines, period. We are seeing this already in the UK. The immunocompromised are being affected. Why would you give this to your child?? There is absolutely no need for such since children are 1 in 1 million of the fatality rate in this country which means your child has a better chance of sadly dying from a myriad of other events, illnesses than COVID – car accidents are higher than COVID, gun deaths are higher than COVID for kids so why would you give them an unproven and really unnecessary vaccination? Choice is yours but there is so much more to this than meet the eye, do your research and make an educated decision not one the Gov’t is going to tell you to do.

FDA: Surveillance On Vaccine effectiveness. Page 17 side effects! .https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/down…




Updates to ocme next week we’ll see what winter wants to bring until then enjoy the weather.



Al Mugno
By Al Mugno December 9, 2020 20:42

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